ch 8 start of school

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I woke up and stretched, today was the day that I would start in UA. Izu and Kats will be starting with me but knowing them both they are probably already st school. I go downstairs to eat Beerfest and I am surprised to see Izu eating.

Before I could ask a question Izu starts pouting saying he woke up late. I chuckle and eat my breakfast while watching the news of All Might defeating a villain. I go upstairs and change into my uniform trying my tye but leaving my vest untied. I turn around and nod.

I walk to UA with Izu but we split up. He wanted to go straight to class but I wanted to explore before the bell rang. I met up with Mr. Aizawa ( Eraser head in a cacoon.. ) and we walk to the classroom with an awkward silence.


Well, Mr. Aizawa made this huge speech about if your here to make friends go home and Izu deflated. We were all forced to change into our gym uniforms and go outside.

While I was changing I saw the girl Izu and I saved and she thanked and introduced herself to me. Her name was Ochaco Uraraka and said that I could call her Ocho. Then I had small talk with Momo and met Tsuyu Asu who told me to call her Tsu. We all met up outside were I saw Shoto and decided to stand with him since I wasn't in a mood to have questions asked my way.

Shoto nodded at me and I nodded back and in an instant Kats was next to me and Izu was behind me. I sweatdropped when I saw the other students gapping at me.

My eyebrow twitched when I realized the position I was in.

" You know I don't need guards right," I said to Izu and Kats my lips pressed in a thin line.

Kats put his arm on my shoulder and Izu laughed while I rolled my eyes.

" Yea but it's our job ether way," Kats said and I mumbled something about overprotective brothers. I heard Kats smirk and Izu sigh when I disarmed Kats by putting his arm behind his back having him Neel at the ground.

" I feel bad for my future husband" I joked and Izu hugged me.

We all stood attention when Mr. Aizawa coughed and explained about the test and the person in the last place would get expelled and I shoot a look at Izu who was sweating.

" You can already use 5 percent of One for All and you have your bracelet if you arent feeling up to it. All you have to do is not fail" I told him in a hushed whisper and he nodded.

My scores

Grip-One for All- first place

Sidestep- Couger persona- First place

10-meter dash- cheetah persona- second place

50-meter dash- Cheetah persona- First place

Baseball-One for all- 2nd place With Kats betting that he would do better than me and me beating him easily and now he has to buy me, sweets.

Leaping- Rabbit persona- 2nd place along with Izu, Ocho, and surprisingly Shoto petting me.

In the end, I got first place overall with Momo and Shoto behind me. Kats was in 4th place and Izu using One for All was in 5th place.

It was the aperient pervert in the last place but Mr. Aizawa decided to let him off for some reason.

When entered the locker room and I was bombarded with questions that I had to answer. I shut them all up and pointed to Ocho signaling her to ask first.

" How do you know Midorya Bakugo and Todoroki," she asked with a tilt of her head and I chuckled at how similar she and Izu were.

" Izu is my brother, Kats is my best friend and Shoto is Shoto" I answered and she nodded then giggled at the last part. I then pointed at Momo who had a small smirk on her face.

" Well Midorya is out of the question but any interest in the other two," She said and I tilted my head in confusion.

" What do you mean by interest," I said and everyone sweatdropped muttering something about not ruining my innocence. I then pointed at Tsu who asked the question I have been dreading.

" What's your quirk," she asked and I looked at Momo who knew that I was supposed to level it down.

" Mineta get out of here" Momo screeched and I smiled when the rest of the girls went hunting for Mineta.

" Thanks," I said getting a no problem in return. We left the room and Ocho caught up to us and winked. I then realized that she knew that Mineta wasn't there and that I couldn't tell everyone my quirk.

I smiled and she put her arm through mine, Momo doing the same thing one my other side. I laughed and they giggled. This was going to be a good year.

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