31 Hero

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I woke up an hour later. I could hear the yelling from my room. 

" I don't care that she needs to be questioned, she's my responsibility for the rest of the week." A voice that I identified as Nighteye growled and was met with the stiff voice of someone I don't know. 

Their voices were sending my head into a mess. I was slightly dizzy and I took a breath. I sat up after a few tries and black spots danced across my vision. 

" Can you people be quite" I yell out and am met with silence. Then there was a thud and Nighteye followed by Mirio, Bubble girl, and someone else filters into the room. 

This man is a very tall, sturdily built man with the head of a .... beagle. The area around his eyes and his ears is a dark brown, the two sides separated by a tan line which runs down his forehead, widening at his muzzle, which is flecked with pale brown. He has a large, black nose and dark eyes, and, although the rest of his body is of normal human shape, his skin appears to be the same tan color as most of his face.

He is wearing a suit, consisting of a dress shirt, and waistcoat, over which he wears an unbuttoned black blazer and matching dress pants underneath. He has a belt with quite a large buckle and a black and white tie which somewhat resembles a dalmatian's coat.

" I'll get a doctor" Bubble girl said and I nodded thinking that that was a very good idea. 

I put my hand on my forehead and groan as I feel Mirio jump up and help steady me against the bedframe. 

" How are you feeling, "The dog guy asked and I sighed. 

" Everything hurts but besides that fine," I say and Everyone and the room slightly grins. 

" My name is Kenji Tsuragamae, I am part of the police force" He starts and I twitch. 

" How bad is it," I ask and Kenji smiles, Mirio sighs in amusement, and Nighteye chuckles. 

" Depends on what happened" He counters and I nod. 

" Fair enough," I say and a doctor enters the room. 

" You took quite a few hits and one of your quirks caused overheating and caused some internal bleeding. But thanks to your healing quirk you should be fine after a day maybe less" He started checking things off of a clipboard. 

" And the others" I interrupt and he nods.

" Izuku Mydoriya has a fractured arm,  Shoto Todoroki has a bruised rib, Tenya Lida has a few burses and Native has mild exhaustion" He states and I narrow my eyes. 

I was there. I could have protected them. I should have stopped this. 

I intertwine my hands and my hair covers my eyes.  

A hand is put on my shoulder as I look up and see Nighteye

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A hand is put on my shoulder as I look up and see Nighteye. 

" You put up a fight against a man who single-handedly killed 17 known Pro Heroes, and crippled 23 others to the point of being unable to make a full recovery. You did better than most." He said and my shoulders shook. Silent tears dripped down my face as Mirio put his hand on my other shoulder. 

" You saved a Pro Hero and 2 students with your own power not from injuries, but from a possible death" Tsuragamae-san states and hugged a waiting Mirio. He gives off a big brother alert feeling. 

" Yet I wanted to run. I was terrified" I whispered and Mirio looked me in the eye. 

" But you stayed, to protect others, that is what a hero is. Someone who Protects others even when they know they can't win" Mirio answered and everything clicked. For a few days I didn't know what a hero was exactly yet Mirio told me what he thought and it was different then what All Might sai, different than what Mic sensei told us. 

" There is more than one meaning to the word hero," I said and Mirio looked at me in shock. Nighteye's eyes widened but he laughed, and Tsuragamae smiled. 

" I've met grown men who haven't realized what you just did," Tsuragamae said and I grinned up at him. 

" But with knowing that you should also realize that villains have more than one meaning as well" Tsuragamae finished and I nodded remembering how Stain saved Izu. 

I then looked down and paled. 

" Who the hell changed me?" I said and bubble girl stood up. 

" I did, your old clothes were really ripped up and then they put you in a hideous hospital gown so..." She said and I nodded. I noticed the way she looked at me with a we are going to talk later vibe, but no one else did I think. 

Mirio and Bubble girl stayed off to the side as I explained everything that happened, keeping my thoughts to myself for now. 

" This year's class 1A kids are going to end up in therapy by the end of the year if this keeps up" Nighteye sighs and I completely agree. 

I stand up and head to the door. 

" Where are you going," Tsuragamae asks and I give him a Duh look. 

" My brother's room" I answer and everyone stands up. 

" You should go with someone" Nighteyes states and before I can deny that Bubble girl steps up. 

" I'll go, I'll meet up with you guys later" She states and I agree. 

They all left and I am left with a calm Bubble girl. 

" Who the hell did that" She whispers, her voice soft but with raging steel behind it and I continue to walk towards Izu's room. 

" My father on a bad day" I reply curtly and she whole demeanor changes. I open the door to the boy's room and leave Bubble girl in the hallway. 

I tackle my brother and he mirrors my grin. I kiss him on the cheek and jump onto Shoto, avoiding his left ribs. 

 He hugs me back almost immediately and I relax into his arms as I feel his face nuzzle into my neck. 

" Oh!" Bubble girls state as she walks into the room.  I blush and leap off of Shoto and fall down onto the floor. 

" At this point, I am convinced that 75% of dads suck" She states and gains approval from Shoto, Izu, and I. Lida looks scandalized and breaths out a laugh. 

" Be thankful that Mirio or Nighteye didn't see that" She states and I sweat drop. 

" Why do most heroes that I meet end up practically adopting me," I ask her and she smiles. 

" You just give off that little sister/daughter feeling" She answeres and I sigh. 

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