ch 1 Normal Day...Nope

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When I grow up I want to be a hero with you Izu. I promise that I will protect those who cant protect themselves. 

Me and Izu were getting ready for school. School started 2 month ago when I returned from fathers house. Fathers always trying to convince me not to be a hero and to take over his company but I always decline I will stay with Izu and Kats (Katsuki). 

They never like leaving me in the care of my dad. They say that they don't want him anywhere near me much less raising me. Jokes on them every time I go to America to see him I see him for 3 or 4 days and then he doesn't even look at me. 

As I got dressed I thought of were I would be in 3 months. I along with Kats and Izu will be applying for the hero school U.A.

Our school uniform is mainly black with a red tie that Izu keeps on trying to make me tie but I don't want to

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Our school uniform is mainly black with a red tie that Izu keeps on trying to make me tie but I don't want to. Kats on the other hand smirks and starts telling me what a good influence he is.

Mornings are usually slow since Kats always leaves early to talk to his minions sorry 'friends'.

As I enter the classroom with Izu trailing behind me like a lost puppy and I try to look for my best friend. I see him in a second because of his porcupine like hair. He sends a smirk in my direction as soon as he sees me and I roll my eyes with a wink which makes him chuckle. 

As I enter my seat I see a few guys get red and a few start to stutter. This always happens even on the street when I'm on a jog but I don't know why. Every time I ask Izu and Kats They just pat my head and told me not to worry about it. 

The bell rings and everyone gets in their seats. Kats and Izu are at my left and right and we are at the end of the classroom near a window. 

Class has started when I get a familiar feeling in my stomach. Something is going wrong very wrong. I shiver and take a deep breath. 

" Sir can I go to Ms. Periculum's office I left something there yesterday" I say using the code word I told the teacher if something is wrong. Using a quirk called sensory I can tell when something is wrong and the teachers and staff know the code word asking if I can investigate. 

"Yes you may please come back soon" he states in a stiff voice. I walk out of the classroom waving goodbye to Izu and as soon as I am out of sight I run to where the feeling takes me. 

What I see isn't good. Hero's are running to a villain who is about to stab a woman but they are way to far away there is no way they will make it in time. In an instant I have cheetah ears and a long tail. 

It was as if time stopped for me and I ran in front of the woman taking a sword to the side. I stumble and hear a scream coming from the woman and yells from the hero's. I quickly swipe at the villain using cat like claws making him jump back and curse when blood pools out the cut. 

The hero's are here and they take advantage of the villains injury to catch him as 1 comes towards me. He puts A hand on my back and I quickly shrug him off with a smile and deactivate my ears. 

The hero who I now recognize as Eraser Head hear looks at me confused and at this point the villain is knocked out so the other hero's look at me too. 

I take a deep breath and call upon my healing quick and am met with a familiar green light covering my hand. The hero's are looking at me with amazement and I send them a quick smile before looking at the lady behind me. 

She is now holding on to the hero President Mic and looking at me like everyone else. 

" Due have any injuries" I ask and raise an eyebrow and giggle at her shocked face. She quickly reveals her stomach which has a gash and I walk towards her with a calming smile. I subconsciously activate my mood quirk and sent a quick but strong wave of peace to her as I heal her injuries. 

" And you guys" I state looking at the hero's who have a face of pure confusion on. Their faces were so funny that a giggled behind my still glowing hand and the hero's shake out of the state of confusion they were in. 

" But - you - how" President Mic said as I notice a scratch on All Might's face. 


Wait All Might

" OH DEAR GODS " I whisper scream as what I just did come to me. It was as if the heroes knew exactly what I was thinking because all three of them chuckled and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I quick stand up an put my hand to an Unsuspecting All Mights face and heal him.

I laugh at his face and look up to see the sun directly in front of me.

" Oh shit" I groan thinking of Izu and Kats. 

" Their gonna kill me" I state looking at my ripped shirt and the heros and even the lady laugh. I begin to walk away but one of the hero's call out to me.

" You do realize that you can't just walk away like that" Eraserhead states slightly amused. I raise an eyebrow and flip my hair with a cheeky wink.

"You do realize that I am a minor that goes to class so you can't keep me here" I state and they all gape at realizing that I am right.

" Wait can we at least get an introduction" President Mike states and send them a smile.

" Now where's the fun in that " I counter and All Might raises an eyebrow. I smirk.

" The names Isa Midoriya student at Aldera Junior High" I say with a backwards wave of my hand. 

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