ch 18 getting to know Shoto

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I wake up and smile. Today is my free day. No more torcher. No more pain. 

I go downstairs and grab a pancake from the plate in the kitchen, put it on my plate, and sit down next to Izu and Mom. 

Izu looks as if he hasn't slept in days and mom's face is a mix of worried and amused. 

" What happened to you," I ask and Izu glares at me. 

" Close combat" he states and goes back to glaring at his orange juice. Mom and I share a look. 

" How's your training going home," Mom asks and I groan. 

" Izu the respect that I have for you being quirkless for the first 14 years of your life is infinite," I tell my brother and he looks at me confused. 

" Midnight had me do quirkless training for a week and a half, " I tell him and he looks at me sympathetically. 

My phone suddenly rings and I nearly jump. I look at the screen and see Shoto's name. I answer the phone and get up from the table. 

" My training is finished and I don't want to stay in this house do you want to meet up for lunch" Shoto states, his voice slightly lower than usual. I look towards the clock that reads 9:00. 

" Sure, I'd love to" I answer, and Shoto sighs. 

" Thank you, 11:00 at the park near the school?" He asks his voice back to normal. 

" Perfect See you there," I say and he hangs up. 

I head back to the table and sit down. 

" Who was that?" Izu asks and I grin. 

" Shoto wants to meet for lunch" I answer and Izu stiffens. His eyes flash a reddish color ( way to similar to dad's)as he smirks. 

" Oh!?" he asks and I feel myself turn red. Mom suddenly squeals and I put my head in my hands. 

" It's not like that," I say mortified. 

" But do you want it to be," Mom asks her face mirroring Izu's and I groan. 

" My baby girl is finally growing up" Izu states and I throw my half-eaten pancake at his face. 

This caused a food war that mom ended up joining. After clean up, I sneak another look at the clock as it reads 10:00. I quickly take a shower and get dressed in my casual cloaths since it's not a date just lunch....

 I quickly take a shower and get dressed in my casual cloaths since it's not a date just lunch

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I leave my hair in a messy fashion, but make a quick braid crown to keep my hair back. 

I leave at around 10:45 and rush to the park. 

" Hey Shoto," I say as I walk up to him. He looks at me and turns red, which in turn makes me turn red. He is wearing jeans. a green T-shirt and a Navy Jacket. 

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