ch 27

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I take a breath and exhale. I activate my cougar persona and narrow my eyes, taking in every microscopic movement he made. 

What do I do? I know that Nighteye can tell the future, but to what extent. How does his quirk work? How does he fight? 

He is somehow behind me in less than a second I feel a pressure on the back of my neck. I flip back and feel a slight stinging sensation at the base of my neck. 

He, of course, was using his quirk so he knew what I would do and was ready for me to land and attempted to hit me again. I could barley dodge when he kicked my legs from under me. 

I black flipped backward leading my leg into a kick to his jaw that he barley dodged. Feeling the movement of the air behind me I sent a roundhouse kick in the direction I hoped he was in and felt my foot hit his chest.

I flip my body in the air landing another kick to his head and using him as a platform I bounce back.

I propel myself towards him, my hand outstretched and immediately, pulling back as grabs the air I was in seconds before.

Again I sense him behind me, but this time I drop to the floor and lunge to his stomach, that he readily guards.

Pulling my hand to the side I stumble and he takes this chance to knock me to the floor. Before he can grab me again I get on my hands and Kick his legs from under him. 

He flips on his left hand bouncing himself upright again, but I am already longing for the stamp. He sidesteps me and I quickly throw a kick towards his side and using the move midnight taught me, twist his arm and grab the stamp. 

He looks at his hand with a blank face as I catch my breath and nods. 

"Your speed and intelligence work well with your movements, but your fighting style relies on your ability to land a solid, strong hit. Of course, you can use One for All for this, but it's almost an instinct to only rely on the quirks you've had for a longer time correct." He states and I nod, letting some shock flow into my features. 

" I was told that you have a sensory quirk did you not use that." He asks and I nod. 

" I have only gotten to the level where I can tell when something regarding life or death either involving me, someone close to me, or physically close to me. The woman I copied this quirk from, however, was able to tell when and where someone would hit her in a spar. And with my ani quirk I now that I can sometimes predict someone's moves based on small movements they make, that I normally wouldn't see, but I have no idea what to look for." I answer and he nods again looking me over. 

" In conclusion I will be working on your fighting style, activating One for All to a paint that it is instinct, reading people and your sensory quirk. In addition, I will be helping you create a long-lasting training course. " He states and I smirk. This is perfect. 

" Looks like I made the right choice," I said he nods at me. 

" Like you, my fighting style is more suited for speed so I will be able to help you in area's where others wouldn't be able to" He responds and I agree. 

The head of what I think to me Mirio Togata suddenly pops out of the wall and I jump. The thoughts going through my head can be summed up in one sentence

What the actual fuck... 

A girl walks into the door that I now see is open. She is a fairly well-built young woman with a rather slim build, her skin light blue in color. She has short, ruffled dark blue hair that curves upwards and downwards around her head, parted to her left, and wide yellow eyes with thick eyelashes.

So this is Bubble girl. 

" You should always expect the unexpected" She quotes a teasing glint in her eye tells me that she is joking yet annoyance builds up in me. 

I punch Mirio in the face and put on an innocent face. 

" Didn't expect that now did you?" I say cheerfully and I hear Nighteye chuckle lowly. 

" You are going to fit in just fine" He states and walks out of the room. 

" Get to know these two while I plan you training" He orders and I along with the other two instantly straighten as his order. 

I finally get a closer look at Mirio. He is a tall 3rd year with a very muscular build and has a lot of noticeable scars around his lower arms. he has blue oval-shaped eyes, and nose which is rounder than most peoples. He has blond hair, the top part of which is arranged in a cowlick, while the bottom section is worn swept backward.

" Well let's start with basic introductions. My name is Kaoruko Awata also known as Bubble Girl. My quirk can produce bubbles filled with any aroma that I have smelled at least once before, both sweet-smelling bubbles and foul-smelling ones." Bubble girl said calmly and I smiled at her. 

"Mirio Togata also known as Lemillion and I'm a student at UA class 3B My quirk allows me to become intangible, letting me pass through any tangible matter" Mirio calls out practically jumping up and down. 

" Isabella Midiroya, also known as Fortune. I'm a student at class 1A and my quirk copycat lets me copy the quirks of others. It's nice to meet you both." I state with a smile. 

We share a look and begin to talk about random things, including our favorite foods, this included a very heated argument, Our hero names, and Birthdays, showing that Mirio, Izu and I share the same day. 

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