ch 7 home and the week between

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When I woke up I was greeted with a bright white light. I propped myself up with my elbows and took a look around me.

It looks like I was in an infirmary. I was in the second bed closest to the door. There is a paper next to my head and I take a look at what it says.

You should be fine you just overused your quirk. Your brother should be in the bed next to yours.

All Might :)

I sweatdropped at the end of the note, questioning whether or not he is a grown man. I sigh and look at the bed next to mine seeing a mess of green hair.

" He is fine he's just sleeping" I hear a voice say and in close to a second I am standing next to Izu's bed with an old lady removing the bandages from my legs.

" My name is Recovery girl, first off what you pulled back there was extremally dangerous" She states with a grim smile and I nod my head. I already knew that, but, protecting people is why I want to be a hero. I was about to apologize when she cut me off.

" But at the same time not only did you make my job easier, but you saved 2 people and that is what a hero does, thank you dearie " Recovery girl states and I send her a grin.

I take another look at Izu who was sleeping and my grin shrank a bit. I sighed and sent a soft smile to recovery girl who was looking at me confused. I took my bag and stood up flicking his head. Izu woke up instantly and looked at me confused.

" Good job" I whispered and he grinned at me. I nodded towards recovery girl and left the room with Izu trailing behind me.

I looked at the sun that was setting and....


The sun was setting

" Izu," I said trailing off and he looks at me. I point to the sun and at first, confusion is laced on his face but then a light bulb appeared and he paled.

"So do you want to hurry home or take the slow path, " I said smirking as he paled.

"Teleport home and tell her," He said shaking me by my shoulders and I deadpanned.

" Yah with your reputation of being with villains whenever I leave you alone I don't think so," I said sarcastically and he nodded.

" Cheetah and pull me along with you," he said desperately and I smiled. Activating my cheetah persona I ran while pulling Izu along with me. A normal 30-minute walk was done in less than 2 minutes.

We entered the house to be met with a blubbering mom telling us to not make her worried. Izu was scratching the back of his neck and blushing while I was zoning out.

School started in a week and me and Izu have to see All Might tomorrow. When mom finally stopped crying and lets us go to sleep I was already half dead.

I entered my green bedroom

I instantly fell asleep with a half-lidded smile on my face awaiting tomorrow's outcome

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I instantly fell asleep with a half-lidded smile on my face awaiting tomorrow's outcome.

In the morning I woke up a bit early and got dressed in my training outfit getting ready to head to the beach was All Might was waiting for me and Izu.

I stood there while All Might looks at me with a look that I could barley reconize. Proud.

Izu came running in barley breathing saying something about his alarm clock.

" Both of you passed" All Might said with his signature smile. Izu looked relieved and I smiled already knew I passed.

"Of course the two stunts you pulled weren't necessary but they did make you look good" All Might stated looking towards me. Oh yeah, the beating him and saving Izu part.

" Stunts," Izu ask tilting his head to the side and I quickly paled. All Might was about to say something but I quickly sent him a glare and he smiled and sent me a look that I recognized as blackmail. I sent him one last glare before walking to Izu who was looking between us confused.

" Is that the only reason you wanted to see us today All Might?" Izu asked and All Might shook his head.

" You will be getting a letter from UA later today along with your uniforms telling you were you placed on the exam, I watched over some footage from both your exams," All Might said nodding towards me and Izu.

" Young Izuku you still need to master your quirk allow your sister to heal you while you train but until then use the bracelet your sister got you" All Might continued and Izuku nodded.

" Isa the teachers know about your quirk and expect great things from you in particular so train hard" All Might finished and I sighed and sent him a cheeky smile.

All Might then left and I nodded twords Izu. We trained until nearly sundown. He was working on his fighting form and One for all with me healing him when he needed it. I was working on my personas, and using One for all to a higher level. After that I worked on expanding my quirk use without fainting, which in the end happened. 

In the end, Izu was still getting used to it but he is only bruising his arm instead of breaking it. I, on the other hand, am still using 10 percent but can expel most of my quirk for an hour before fainting.

The end of the week came quickly and Izu can use 5 percent of his quirk without dying and I can now not feint every hour and can last around 2.

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