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We walked in the room where antonio had something to say to us...

Leon and i walked hand in hand to Antonio

A-Hello students.


A-welcome back i hope you had a good summer and that youre ready for this year

V-im ready

L-me too



F-i think this is gonna be a good year

V-me too

A-And we have 1 new student joining us this year welcome marco. Leon put his arm around me to show that im his, i love when he does that.  the Marco guy came in he was wearing blue jeans a t-shirt and a lether jacket he was actully looking at francesca with his big eyes.And fran saw the both new guys looking at her and she went bright red.Then i whispered to her

V-fran the new guy is looking at you

F-shhhh im with diego

When the meeting was over the new guys went to fran the marco guy was the first to came fo fran

Francescas P.O.V.

The marco guy came in and he was looking at me and when the meeting was over he came to me.

M-hey im marco.

F-im francesca but my friends call me fran

M-okey well youre really pretty and i was wondering if you would like to go out with me to the movies

F- thanks but i have a boyfriend

M-oh well okey ill see you around

F-ye bye

Leons P.O.V

I was walking down the hall with Violetta and we were just talkin

L-did you hear we have all our classes together

V-really thats great

L-ye i know

V-and i heard that the group R5 is coming to the studio


V-ye and Ross is so cute


V- not as cute as you dont worry.

L- okey okey sooooo miss castillo would you like to go to the movies with me tonight

V-like a date

L-yes like a date

V-then i would love to go with you mr Vargas

L-okey ill pick you up at 7

V-ye see you tonight love you

L-love you too bye


I went home and called fran  and cami

              ~Phone conversation~
V -hey


V-can yoo and cami come over i  need younto help me get ready !!!

F-for what???

V-leon asked me out on a date and i want to look perfect

F-awwww ye okey ill call cami and we will be right over.

      ~End of phone conversation~

About 10 minutes later i heard the doorbell ring i opened the door and the girls came in and we went up to my room we started choosing out the outfit.I already had found the perfect one i just needed theyrvopinion.I shoced them the dress.



V-thanks so fran you do my hair and cami you can do my makeup


They did my makeup and hair and it was perfect.then i heard the doorbell ring , cami opened the door as i walked down yhe stairs.

L-w-w-wow V-Violetta y-y-you lo-ok b-b-eautiful.

V-thanks you look really handsome too.

L-shall we

V-we shall

We went to the movies but argued about witch movie to watch

L--we are watching chucky

V-no lets watch a romantic one

L-no those are for baby's

V-maybe in the romantic part's you'll get something too

L-well then what are we waiting for.

He said going to the ticket center.


We watched the romantic movie and in every romantic part i had to give him a kiss

We fineshed watching the movie and then we walked back to my house and it started to rain.


L-here take my jacket.and he put his jacket on my shoulders

V-Leon youre gonna be all wet come here closer.He came closer and we both tryed to fit under the jacket.

L-this is nice

V-ye.but then i slipped and i was about to hit the ground but i never did insted i felt warm hands around my waist

L-cought you.


L-now i need something in return


L-a kiss

V-fine. I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

L-thank you see you tommorow


Heart made up on you (leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now