party/Drunk in Barcelona

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Leons P.O.V.

Me and vilu were getting ready for the party

L-are you done vilu



V-cuz if i wanna be beautiful it takes time

She came out she was beautiful

L-now i know why it took so much time

V-so what do you think

L-there are no words to descrive how beautiful you look tonight

V-You are too sweet

We went to the party and saw fede

L-hey fede

F-hey ludmi

L-fede are you drunk...already

F-whaaaa im not drunk it takes a lot for this guy to get drunk.

L-yeah right

I saw vilu talking to fran and cami who also looked really drunk, i went to them

L-hey guys

F&C-hey LION

L-Okey you are officioly drunk

V-they are more than drunk they offered me one too

L-did you take it

V-no of course not

L-thats my girl


Me and vilu went to the bar to get something without alcahol and went dancing after

Ludmilas P.O.V.

I saw vilu and Leon dancing so this was the perfect time to realize my plan i went to the bar and poured vodka in vilus glass so when dhe will come back she will drink it and be drunk ha ha ha ha

Violettas P.O.V.

Me and Leon came back from all the dancing and i was really thirsty so i drank my cola but it didnt taste like ordinary cola eeee im gonna drink it anyway when i drank it i felt really dizzy so i went to Leon

V-hey babe


V-what are you doing tonight sweet stuff

L-vilu is everything alright youre not acting like yourself

V-everything is fine now lets go back to the hotel and we can have some fun there

L-yeah now i know you are drunk

V-whaaaaa im not drunk

L-okey lets get you back to the hotel but to sleep

V-FINE mom


Leons P.O.V.

She is totally drunk but how i was almost everywhere where she was i dont know right now we are driving back to the hotel and she is sleeping

I take her up to our room and she is completely past out i lay her on the bed and she sleeps i go to the bathroom and change into pj's and lay next to her

In the middle of the night

Vilu wakes up and sees that shes in bed and her hed really hurts she wakes up Leon


V-Leon im not drunk but my headd really hurts

L-okey im gonna go get something


Leon comes back and gives vilu tablets

L-here you go

V-thanks and thanks for taking care of me even if im drunk how did i even become drunk

L-i dont know but lets go to sleep


We went to sleep.

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