world tour!!!

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Violettas P.O.V.

Pablo said he has a very very VERY big annoncment to make so me and Leon rushed to the stage room Leon had his hand on my waist and then Pablo started speaking

P-so gous i have a big announcment to make...we are going on a tour

Everyone started screaming i jumped in leons arms and hugged him.

P-we are going to Barcelona, Paris and Canada.


P-okey thats it meeting over

We walked out and started taking

V-can you guys belive we are going on our first tour

F-yeah its awesome

C-where you guys more excited to go to

L-i wanna go to paris cuz its the city of love

V-awww i wanna go there with you to see the efel tower

F-im excited to go there with Diego

D-i love you

F-me too

They kissed

C-i wanna go there with broadway

B-me too

M-me with naty

N-youre so sweet maxi

Fe-me with my supernova

Lu-youre so cute and sweet fefe i love you

Fe-i love you too

V-and i love ypu Leon

L-i love you more!!!- he winked at me.

And everyone kissed

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