truth or dare part 2 !!!

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Violettas P.O.V.

Leon spined the bottle and it landed on fran!!!

L-Fran dear fran truth or dare ???


L-okey in this group on who do you or did have a crush on except Diego cuz he's your boyfriend

F-okey i kinda did have a crush on Fede 2 years ago before i met Diego but not now ewwww


F-okey okey

Then Fran spinned the bottle aand it Landed on me

F-hmmmm Vilu ???

V-dont give me that face

F-okey okey truth or DARE ???

V-im gonna take a risk so DARE!!!

F-ooooooo okey i dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with...



Me and Leon went in the closet

V-so ...


L-i was wo-

I cut him off by kissing him and he kissed back of course i got a little heated Leon had no shirt its good that fran knocked on the door so we stoped we fastly fixed our hair

We went out of yhe closet and heard a lot of ooooooo's we sat back into the circle and now  iiit was my turn to spin the bottle it landed on Fede

V-well well well truth or dare Fede

Fe-dare of course

V-okey well i dare you to let me slap you 3 times

Fe-oh god this is gonna hurt

V-hahahaha this is for getting ketchup on my favorite dress

I slaped him the 1st time


V-this is for not buying me an iphone 6 for christmas

I slaped him the 2nd time

V-and this is for embaressing me all the time or just for fun

I slaped him the last time

Fe-omg youre a hard slaper

V-i know

When we were done playing it was late and i was tired so Leon told me i could sleep in his house cuz his parents arent home

V-but i told my dad i was staying at frans house

L-yeah but youre tired and im pretty sure the party will end at 4 am and it 11 now

V-okey ill just go say bye to fran

I saw fran dancing with diego i went to her

V-bye fran im gonna stay at Leons house okey it was a great party

F-okey but no funny buisness with Leon okey

V-hahaha okey

I went home to Leons house we changed into out pj's, cuddled in bed and went to sleep!!!♥♥♥

Hope you guysiked the chapter it was a long one haha!!!!♥♥♥<33

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