truth comes out

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Violettas P.O.V.

I was in my room writing in my diary when Leon came in

V-Leon what the hell we arent suppost sto see each other

L-i know i know but i cant be without you + i sneaked in here your dad doesnt know

V-okey well then come here i want a hug

We were hugging and my dad came in

G-violetta i cam- Leon what are you doing here!!!!

L-im sorry sir but the thing is i cant live without vilu so please let us be together i love her

G-i thought you broke up

V-it was a fake break up

G-well i see you 2 really love each other so you can be together but i dont want anything like that to happen ever again got it???

V&L- okey

My dad left the room and i looked at Leon


V-nothing im just really happy that we dont have to hide anymore

I jumped in his arms and hugged him really tightly

L-okey im really happy too

Me and Leon stayed, talked and joked around at my room for like 1 more hour and then Leon went home and i wrote in my diary

Dear diary

Im so happy cuz me and Leon dont have to secretly hide our relationship from my dad and my dad let me and Leon be together too im just so freaking happy right now + christmas is really soon too i have to start thinking what im gonna get Leon, Cami and Fran and the others for christmas!!!

Xoxo Violetta

I closed my diary and went to sleep!!!♥

Sorry guys i know its kinda a short chapter but i have some christmas chapters planed too♥♡♥♡

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