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Violettas P.O.V.

We were still on stage when we finnaly got back to reality then we walked off stage hand in hand we went to fran and the others

F-YES leonetta is back

C-im so happy for you guys

M-me too

N-its nice that you are back together.

V-thanks you guys where is fede?

M-he said he is going to the akvarium 

V-thats weird because fede gets sea sick around fish

L-And Naty where is Ludmila she would never miss out on something like this

N-she said she is going to the Zoo

L-ye right Ludmila to the Zoo 

N-i know right weird maybe she and fede are together

V-maybe we should golook for them

F-thats a great idea

M-and a crazy one too

C-shut up maxi

L-okey are we going or not

V-lets go 

They walked out of the karaoke bar and then Vilu said;

V-Lets split up me and Leon are going to search the park, Maxi and Naty are going to search at the movies and Cami and Fran you search the around the studio

L&N&F&C&M-Yeah that fine 

Me and leon went to the park to search for them we found a pickinic blanket and a picknic basket so maybe they were here so we called the others and told them.

Maxis P.O.V.

Me and naty went to the movies to look for clues and we found out that Ludmila and Fede were here from the other people and then naty came running to me and said;

N-So did you find anything?

M-yes i found out that Ludmila and Fede were here from the other people and they even watched a romantic film...


M- yeah did you find anything?

N-No but lets call the other and tell them that they were here.


We cxalled the others and told them that they were here but we didnt find them 

Camilas P.O.V.

Me and Fran looked around the studio but didnt find them then we noticed that the studios door is still open so we went inside and then fran said:

F-Do you really think that they will be here?

C-maybe i dont know

F-okey ill go check out Gregorios classroom

C-wait do you hear that?

F-yeah its coming from Betos classroom

we went to Betos classroom and found Ludmila and Federico singing ''te creo'' and they were smiling at each other thats weird Ludmila doesnt smile she always has an evil smirk on her face, when they finished they started to lean in but then fran started to cough and they backed away so me and fran ran away we could hear fede say;

Fe-hwo is there 

but we just ran out of the studio and called the others and told them that we found them and what happened.

Heart made up on you (leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now