same present???

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Leoms P.O.V.

OMG today is christmas and i dont have a present for vilu oh god i quickly ran to the mall and searched for a gift and i came across a jewlery store and saw a gold necklece with a V on it and i thought it would be perfect i bought it and then i went back to my house

Violettas P.O.V.

I was on my bed listening to jinngle bell rock and then i remembered that i dont have a present for Leon i ran to the mall and i found a golden necklace with a L on it and i thought it was perfect for Leon i ran he and wraped it in some christmas paper

Christmas night:

Everybody was opening thee presents and then Leon came to me

L-here you go my love here is your present.

V-aww thank you here is yours too

L-lets open them together


We opened the present and mine was a cute gold necklace with a V on it

Leons P.O.V.

I opened my present and it was a gold necklace with a L on it we gave each other the same present when she opened her present she thanked me and hugged me tightly i just saw we were under the miseltoe

L-hey vilu we are under the misoltoe you know wha-

I was cur off by her kissing me it was a really good kiss

L-you took the words away from me


The rest of the night we sang songs and played games and then went to sleep!!!♥♥♥

I know its short but i didnt have much inspiration!!!♥♡
Hope you still like it!!!<33♥

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