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I woke p and got ready for the studio when i entered the studio i saw leon talking with th guys so i quickly rushed to fran and cami

F-vilu whats wrong why are you avoiding leon?

C-ye why are you whats wrong?

V- i cought him kissing lara and we broke up but we stayed friends anyways i heard antonio wanted us to go and he said that he has something important to tell us.

F&C- okey lets go

We went to antonio and he said-

A-students i hope your ready because tonight we have the show and the special guests arriving too

V-Who are they

A-i cant tell you but you will see them at the show so meeting over

Leons P.O.V.

It's do hard to be just friends with Violetta bit I guess thats better than nothing. I saw the guys and went to them.

M- Whats wrong?

F-ye why so down ?

L-Violetta broke up with me



L-She cought Lara kissing me.

D-why did you kiss Lara

L-i didnt kiss her she kissed me

D-i have and idea

L-what ?

D-you can make her see that you love her in the show tonight.

F-how will he do that?

D-you all are so dumb, just sing her a song and look her right in the eyes and that will show her how much you love her.

L-your a genius.

D-i know from now call me Diego einstein... or something.

The show...

Violettas P.O.V

We all got ready for the show i was wearing a red sparkly dress and red high heels.

I was the next one to go on stage i was singing "quiero" and "underneath it all" those songs are about leon and me.

I went on stage and started to sing i looked at the crowd and saw antonio smiling at me and i looked around i saw someone hwo looked like Ross lynch omg that is Ross lynch from R5 and he is smiling at me and he even winked at me and i saw the howl band standing there too they all smiled at me.

I finished singing and walked backstage to the girls to tell them that R5 is here.

V-Girls you wont belive what i saw whenn i was singing!!!


V-R5 and ross winked at me


V-i know right.-then leon walked over to us

L-whats the big deal?

V-the big deal is that he winked at me + he is an amazing singer and dancer..

L- im and amazing singer and dancer too i think .

F-oh c'mon leon dont be jealous.

L-im not jealous pfffff

C- ye right

???-hey your violetta right

V-omg your Ross lynch!!!

R-ye i am and i loved those songs and you have a beatiful voice and your beautiful too^^

V-well thanks you have a good voice too.

R-i was wondering maybe we could sing something together...sometime.

V-yeah sure i would love to when and where

R-maybe tommorow at 3pm and we could go to the karaoke bar.

V-yeah sure that would be nice.

R-okey ill see you tommorow and ill be at the studio too.- he kissed me on the cheek and left he had a big smile on his face, his smile is soooo cute .

Leons P.O.V

I cant belive violetta is going on a date with ross, i have to be at tthe karaoke bar tommorow i know ill go with all my friends there and we will go to them so they dont have any romantic moments.

I went home and so did violetta.

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