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Leon's P.O.V.

I wake up next to vilu she has her head in my chest shes so cute oh s**t i forgot we have to go to paris today i quickly wake up vilu

V-why did you wake me up while i was sleeping???

L-cuz we have to go to the bus that will drive us to paris!!!

V-aaaaaaaa get up get up

We got up did all the things we usually do in the morning and went to the bus

F-where were you guys

V-we just woke up

C-well hurry up we leave in 2 minutes

And rode to paris!!!♥♥♥

We jumped out of the bus and i said

V-i cant belive we are in paris, the city of love

L-yeah me to my love

P-okey so you will be sharing your rooms with the same perspns like in barcelona


We went to our rooms

L-we better go to sleeps its pretty late

V-okey my love

We cuddled in bed and went to sleep

Sorry for the short chapter but im concentrating on my jortini book please check it out!!!!♥♥♥

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