karaoke bar/date?/kiss

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Violettas P.O.V.
I walked into the studio and saw the girls they came to me and said that we should go on stage and sing something like codigo amistad i said okey and as soon as we finished singing the song Ross and the band came in ross came to me and the others went to fran and cami he said.

R-you really got a voice do you want to go to the stage and sing something?

V-like what???

R-okey lets sing my bands song"heart made up on you"

V-okey i love that song
We went on stage and started singing in the middle of the song Leon came in and looked jealous but i just kept singing when we finished Ross hugged me and said

R-you were awesome

V-thanks you were good too.

R-okey sorry i have to go but ill see you tonight!

V-yeah bye

He walked out of the room, i went down of the stage and Leon came to me

L- Hey


L- so i heard that you and Ross are going on a date tonight?

V-Its not a date its just friends going to a karaoke bar

L-well okey but i think he thinks its a date?

V-well i dont

L-okey so would you and Ross like to come with me and the others to the karaoke bar together.

V-yeah i dont think Ross would mind.

L-Cool so do you want me to pick you up

V-oh sorry Ross is picking me up

L-ah okey well see you tonight

V-yeah bye

I went home and called Ross to tell him that my friends are coming with us.

-Phone conversation-


V-hey so can my friends come with us to the karaoke bar

R-i thought that we were going to be the only ones on your date?


R-Well isnt it a date

V-No!!! Look im sorry but im still not over my old boyfriend and i think i dont want to go with you anywhere tonight.

R-No no im sorry violetta but dont cancel the date.


R-fine then go with your old boyfriend if you dont want to go with a celebrity like me your loss a lot of girls would do anything to go with me on a date.


R-FINE your loss.

V-ughhh.- and hung up

-End of phone conversation-

I dont want to cancel on my friends that would be rude, so i decided to call Leon to pick me up

-Phone conversation-



L-So are you and Ross ready for tonight

V-Actully Ross and I arent coming only i am i turned out Ross isnt so nice.


V-Forget it i was just wondering would you pick me up.

L-yes totally so ill pick you up at 7 okey?

V-yeah thats fine with me bye


-End of phone conversation-

Leons P.O.V.

I was shocked when Vilu called me and said that Ross will not be coming and that she wants me to pick her up but im so excited i put on my sand colured jeans a white t shirt and a bleaser and i went to vilus when i knocked on her front door she opened it she looked so beautiful i cant resist i was strugling to get words out of my mouth but then she said:

V-Okey Leon shall we go

L-w-what ???

V-I said shall we go

L-yes yes sorry

We went to my motorcykel and rode to the karaoke bar when we went in i offered vilu to sing ''podemos'' with me she accepted when we finished singing i looked in her eyes and i just couldnt resist so i just leaned in without her looking and put my hand on her waist and kissed her and she even kissed back i guess she does still love me, when we pulled away i could hear fran and cami shouting'' LEONETTA, LEONETTA. And i was so happy in that moment i hope she felt the same.

Violettas P.O.V.

When we got to the karaoke bar Leon offered me to sing ''podemos'' with himi accepted when we fineshed singing the song i could feel a warm hand on my waist i looked at hwo it was and it was Leon and he was leaning in agggghhh what do i do should i kiss him or should i back away, If i kiss him we will be back together if i back away we wont be ahhhh i made up my mind i want to get back together with Leon so i leaned i too when our lips touched i felt fireworks everywhere when we pulled away Leon smiled at me and i could hear cami and fran shouting ''LEONETTA, LEONETTA.

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