home buenos aires and even more family!!!

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Vilu's P.O.V.

Yes we are finally going home i mean i liked the howl traveling thing but i really miss the family + Leon said that his little sister and big brother are coming to visit him and he wants me to meet them well ive already met his little sis Ruby but not his big brother he said that his name is Jake well we just landed in buenos aires.

V-yeeee finally home

L-i know right

V-lets go to my house i want you to meet somebody too


We went to my house and as i opened the front door my cousin from america Lea came and hugged me



Lea-and who is this????

She said pointing at Leon

V-oh this is my boyfriend Leon

Lea-oh yeah i have heard a lot about you how you are so hot and everything


V-LEAAAAA you are embarinssing me

Lea-oh sorry

L-well its nice to meet you Lea

Lea-you too Lion

L-vilu how does she know that people call me Lion well ludmila calls me that

Lea-she tells me everything Leon

L-everything even about the kisses

V-no she just kidding

L-good well then i was wondering if you vilu wanted to have dinner at my house and meet my brother


L-okey well its six right now so we better get going

Lea-hey Leon btw if you hurt vilu youre dead

V-LEAAAAAA dont act like my dad

L-dont worry i love vilu and will never hurt her.

Lea-i hope so



We went to Leon's house and Ruby opened the door

R-hey Leon, Hey Vilu nice to see you again

V-you too

L-okey me and Vilu will go to my room

R-okey no funny buisness Leon



We were going up to Leon's room when we entered we sat on his bed

V-youre sister is funny

L-yeah right

V-whats wrong


V-c'mon Leon i know something is wrong

L-fine you cought me

He started smiling when he turned to ms he had an evil grin on his face and then he started tickling me

V-l-l-l-eo-n  s-s-s-tooooppppp

L-not untul you give me a kiss


He stoped tickling me and i kissed him for a long time but we were interupted by a knock on the door a guy came in he looked like he was 23 or 24

L-what do you want jake ???

J-was i interupting you 2

L-well kinda

J-too bad

J-mom said that dinners in 2 minutes

L-yeah okey

J-wait who is that pretty lady behind you???

V-hi im violetta


L-well okey you can go now bro

J-im going im going

And jake walked out of the room

L-where were we

V-no no no we are going down to eat dinner

L-but but

V-no but's Leonard

L-dont call me Leonard

He said as he got up from the bed

V-what are you gonna do about it

L-this~ he said tickling me again


He stoped and we went downstairs and ate dinner after dinner Leon droped me off at my house i went in and went to sleep.

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