chapter 16

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i woke up as usual and this is the last day i get to stay in Leons house it was so nice it was like we were married and had our own house but NO and i when i tuned to the other side of the bed Leon wasnt next to me i quickly put on some clothes and ran down staris and saw Leon cooking breakfast and he said:

V-why are you up so early im usualy the one hwo is up first 

L-well since its the last day your staying at my house i though that i would make this day nice and by the way im not sick anymore i checked my temperature

V-okey so what ''nice'' do you have planned for us today

L-i was thinking that we could go to get ice cream first and go on a picknic and then go to the movies tonight what do you think???

V-that sounds PERFECT!

L-okey so come eat breakfast


We ate breakfast and then we went to the park and set up our picknic and then we ate

V-Leon did you make all this food

L-well yeah kinda i had help from fran, cami and fede

V-oh okey well its so good

L-so did you bring a swimmingsuit

V-no you didnt say anything

L-well too bad

V-what do you mean by that???


He took me bridal style and threw me in the lake behind us its good that we were the only omes there


L-what???-  he said while laughing

V-what ? what ? Come help me out what?


As he took my hand to pull me out i pulled him in

V-thats what you get

L-ooohhhhh your sneaky

V-i kmow  " vilu is out"

L-dont act like Ludmila


And we both got out of the water and went home to change and then we went to the movies and we decided to watch something romantic

We watched titanic and in the last scene i almost cried so i cried in leons chest and he hugged me and laughed then we went home

V-thank you for the amazing day leon it was awesoms

L-anything for you

And i kissed him pasionetly and then we both went inside and went to bed

This day was truly Perfect!!!

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