wrong kisses/ hospitals and comas

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Leon's P.O.V.

I was walking in the studio when tracy came up to me

T-hey Leon do you want to go for a walk in the park...as friends of course.


T-okey lets go

We were walking in the park in an awkward silince

T-Leon look there

Tracy's P.O.V.

when he looked back at me i kissed him i looked back while still kissing him and saw Ludmila behind a tree she took a picture of us kissing to show it to poor little Vilu oh well

Vilu's P.O.V.

I was walking home and fell over a tree on the ground i got up but my leg really hurt so i went to the hospital i got there and waited for the Doctor when he came he said

D-im really sorry miss but your Leg is broken you will have to stay here for the night

I called Leon but he didnt awnser. I hoped he would come visit me

Ludmila's P.O V.

I knew violetta would go home that way so i put the Tree brench there so she would fall over and she did ha ha ha so pafetick now the only thing left is to show her the picture of Lion and Tracy kissing so she would be heartbroken i went to the hospital and asked the nurse

Lu-excuse me in witch room is Violetta Castillo

Nurse-Room 364

Lu-thank you

I went to her room and she was lying on her bed

V-what do you want ???

Lu-i just wanted to show you this

I showed her the picture in mu phone of Lion and Tracy kissing then she fainsted i called the doctor and he said she is in a small coma oh no what did i do i have to tell Tracy........

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