kiss ???

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Violettas P.O.V.

As every morning i woke up, got dressed,did my hair and put on light makeup.Then i went down to eat breakfast.

G-Good morning sweety

A-good morning vilu

V-good morning!!!

G-so you want me to drive you to the studio?

V-no, Leon will be here in 10 minutes.

G-Fine, but be careful.

V-ye ye i know.

A-okey well bye


I went out the door and waited for leon when he came we rode to the studio together. We went into the studio and i gave leon a kiss on the cheek and went to the girls

F&C-Hey vilu


F-Did you hear the rumours


C-well we heard that the new girl has a crush on Leon.



V-well thats okey i know Leon, he wouldnt cheat on me.

C-ye Leon isnt like that

F-youre right.

Leons P.O.V.

I went to the guys and heard them talking about something

L-Hey guys what are you talking about


L-Oh come on i heard you talking about something


M-We heard that the new girl Lara has a crush on you...


M-Soooo she will try to get you

F- ye duhhhh

L-I dont think so and even if she will i dont like her that way i only love Violetta.

F-But what if she tryes to break you and vilu up

L-that wont happen because i wont let her

M&F-youre right.

Laras P.O.V.

I was walking down the hall thinking of a plan how to ruin violettas and leons relationship and i thought of just the perfect idea im gonna get leon into Betos class and kiss him and ill make sure that violetta sees us and then she will break-up with him and he will be all mine all mine mwoahahahahaha.

1-find a person hwo will get violetta to see me kissing leon

2-get leon into betos class

3-kiss leon

okey lets start i walked around the studio and found out who in this school hates vilu the most and that person was Ludmila so i went to her

La-Hey Ludmila i need to talk to you

Lu-i dont have time to listen to losers like you

La-okey but if you want violetta and leon to sufer then you should listen to me

Lu-okey im listening

La-okey the plan is that you have to get violetta to betos class so that she sees me kissing leon got that

Lu-pffff thats so easy

La-okey ill go get leon

Lu-and ill go get violetta.- And we went to find them

I saw leon talking to the guys so i went to him

La-Hey leon can you help me with my song

Le-ye sure lets go to betos class

La-okey suer lets go


we went to betos class

Le-so where are the sheets

La-no where

Le-but then w-

i didnt let him finish the sentence because i just went up to him and kissed him and i saw that ludmila and violetta are lokking at us from the door and violetta started crying then leon pulled away and ran after her...


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