magical kisses

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Leon's P.O.V.

I was walking in the studio when i heard Ludmila talking to Tracy

Lu-our plan failed violetta is in the hospital and is in a coma

T-inleast she'll stay away from Leon longer

When i heard what Ludmila said i quickly rushed to the hospital

I saw the nurse and ran to her

L-excuse me in witch room is violetta castillo

Nu-she was transfered to room 275

L-okey thank you

I rushed to the room when i was there i wanted to go inside but the doctor said i couldnt i tried to fight to get in there but it was no use the doctor said i could only go in there after 3 hours so i sat down and waited i called fran, cami, german and the others they came in 10 minutes

F-dont worry shes gonna be okey

C-yeah the doctor said shes in a short coma not a long coma

L-okey thanks for the support guys

Then mr Germar came running .


L-mr German the dooctor said that we can go in there after 3 hours


3 hours later

Doctor-okey so now you can visit her but she is still in a short coma

L-mr German may i go in first

G-sure son

L-thank you

G-youre welcome

I went into the room and saw her sleeping there even if she is in a coma she is still beautiful i went and sat on the side of her bed

L-oh Violetta my Violetta please wake up i miss you so much i love you i cant imagine my life without you you are the most important person in my life i love you violetta i truly really do please wake up please i cant live without you you always make me smile with that beautiful smile of yours that can light up the world i beg you please wake up we all miss you so so so much!!!

I said and kissed her softly and the thing that shocked me is thay she kissed back...

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