New girl

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I walked into the studio and saw Leon talking to maxi and fede so i went over to them...

V-hey guys what are you talking about?

L-were talking about the new girl shes joining the studio today.?

V-And you guys think that i wouldd be jealous

M-only leon thought of it .

F-ye we said nothing.

Leons P.O.V.

I thought Violetta would be jealous and mad but she took it easy but i still havent told her tham i have to show the new girl around the studio but im gonna tell her now, i saw her talking to fran and cami so i went over there.

L-violetta can we talk???...Alone.

F&C-were going bye vilu.

V-sooo whats up why do we need to talk

L-its about the new girl. Antonio said that i have to show her around the studio.


L-well arent you mad???

V-no no i love you and i trust you

L-really thanks i love you more♡♥

And she gave me a quick peck on the lips!

Violettas P.O.V.

Leon thought that i would get mad and jealous pffff okey maybe i am a little mad and jealous. Antonio called us for a meeting so me and leon walked hand in hand to the meeting.

A-hello students i called you to this meeting for you to welcome our new student this is lara. And she walked into the class. She was wearing a dotted dress with black sneakers.

A-hello lara leon will show you around the studio.

La-ye sure and thank you.

L-hey im leon and this is my girlfriend violetfa we will show you around the studio.

La- yes thank you, nice to meet you leon and violetta.

We showed her around the studio and she is actully a really nice girl then leon me off at my house,i ate dinner and went to my room, writed my diary and went to sleep...

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