truth or dare !!!

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Leons P.O.V.

We all sit in a circle and maxi is the first one to spin he spins the bootle and it lands on cami

M-okey truth or dare


M-okey well how much do you love brodway ???

C-very very very much


Cami spins the bottle and it lands on Diego

C-truth or dare diego


C-okey i dare you to out on the road in only boxers and scream i love pancakes!!!


Diego takes off his shirt and pants and i only in his boxers and then he goes out on the road and screams I LOVE PANCAKES

We all laugh he comes in and fastly puts on his clothes then diego spins the bottle and it lands on me

D-okey Leon truth or dare

L-dare of course

D-okey i dare you to kiss...


D-vilu for 5 minutes

L-okey if vilu is okey with it ???

V-yeah a game is a game

I leaned in and so did she we were kissing but then...

D-okey 5 minutes is over

But me and vilu just kept kissing

Fede-get a room

Then we stoped kissing and both smiled

I spined the boottle and it landed on....

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