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2 months later

Angies P.O.V.

Today is the day of the wedding and i am so nervious i cant belive im marring the love of my life but what if something goes wrong what if he doesnt want to marry me but Violetta says its gonna be okey i just have to take deap breaths thats all the girls are almost finished doing my makeup and hair and ill be ready any second

Violettas P.O.V.

I cant belive my dad is finally getting married to Angie and he is so happy and angie is too and im really excited my and leons relationship is going really well too and for the wedding im wearing a light blue dress with diamonds in the middle and now that me and the girls have finished Angies hair and makeup she put on her dress she has a beautiful white dress and she is ready to go and while she is walking down the altar me and Leon are singing te creo well im singing and Leon is playing the piano and when Angie and my dad are doing the talking with the altar me and Leon are standing next to them and Leon has his arm around me and there are a lot of people here when they are married we all have kinda a after party.

G-everybody gather around we will cut the cake


We cut the cake and then everybody went to the dance floor when the slow song started Leon came to me and we went to dance when the song ended we were about to kiss but we were interupted by fede hwo asked me to dance

F-sorry did i interupt i just wannted to dance with vilu

L-well you kinda did but here you can have her to dance just to dance!!!

F-okey relax

When all the dancing was over i went to Leon

V-hey i think im gonna go to sleep!

L-okey i think im gonna go too.

We went up to my bedroom and cuddled in the bed and went to sleep while the adults were still partying.

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