Christmas show!!!!♥

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Violettas P.O.V.

OMG im so nervios for the christmas show but then Leon came to me and said that everything will be fine and i dont know with him everything i do is better OMG im next to go on stage god im still so nervious no no no no dont worry everything will be alright before i knew it i was walking back and forth, back and forth.

Leons P.O.V.

I saw Violetta walking back and forth, back and forth so i went to calm her down i went to her and held her by her shoulders

L-hey hey dont worry you'll be perfect dont worry

V-im sorry Leon i cant im always thinking about what if something will go wrong what if i loose my voice aaaa

L-NO dont worry everything will be grear and you NOT gonna loose your voice.

We were about to kiss but Pablo came in and said that vilu has to go on stage why whenever we want to kiss someone comes im the moment

Violettas P.O.V.

I went on stage i was singing my new song " Descubi " i started singing but something went wrong in my voice and Leon saw that so he came on stage and started singing with me he saved me from failing whhen we finished everyone was shouting KIS KISS KISS so we both leaned in and kissed it was magical it was our best kiss ever and even in the right moment it was really great when we went off stage i thanked him and kissed him again all the girls were freaking out

Theyre just really big leonetta fans hahaha

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