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Violettas P.O.V.

I walked into the studio and Not AGAIN that stupid alex ran to me OH GOD

A-look Violetta im really really sorry for what i did yesterday im so sorry and i promise i wont call you babe anymore so please can we be friends???

V-look Alex i forgive you and i think we could be friends if you stop flirting with me OK and not couse trouble between me and Leon OK

A-OK i promise you so friends???


We hugged

Then Leon came into tge studio and saw us hug oh no

He came to us and pulled me close to him really close oh no hes already jealous

L-hey babe


L-what are you doing here with Alex

V-we became friends he promised me he will not flirt or try anything on me


Out of no where Leon kissed me pasionetly what is wrong with him he never does things like that but i didnt pull away cuz he is my boyfriend and i love when he kisses me when he pulled away i draged him away to betos classroom witch was empty

V-Leon what are you doing you know i dont like to be kissed in public im shy and it was wrong, what were you trying to prove that im yours infront of alex you know i am yours already what are you jealous???

L- look vilu im sorry for kissing you please forgive me

V-im going home

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