old friend

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I woke up in Leons arms i cant belive he let Leon and I sleep in the same bed but i guess he was too busy as i woke up i went to the shower and i always dance in the shower too i was showering and the door opened aaaaaa

V-aaaaaa get out Leon

L-sorry i didnt see anything sorry i didnt know you were in there

V-its okey but knock next time ok


I finished showering and went to my room i was in the towel and my hair was wet i walked in my room and leon was in it

L-vilu im sorry i really didnt know you were in the shower

V-its fine dont worry im glad it was you not fede or someone and that my dad didnt see

L-well okey i bet you wanna change now ill wait outside

V-as you want

L-wait were you gonna let me st -

V-get out!!!!

I finished putting on my clothes and said that leon can come in

V-you can come in leon

L-hey yea- wow vilu you look very pretty today

V-thanks do you wanna go for ice cream

L-sure ( and he kissed my cheek )

We went fo ice cream and i was sitting on a bench while Leon went to buy the ice cream! He is so sweet.

I was sitting on the bench when a guy came to me and said:

???-Violetta ?


R-hey how are you doing gurl i havent seen you in 5 years

V-yeah so long ( i sat up from my bench and hugged him )

V-so what are you doing in buenos aires ???

R-im on a trip


L-here you go my lo- vilu hwo is this ????

V-oh Leon this is my friend from 5 years ago remember when i lived in Madrid

L-oh nice to meet you im Leon vilus BOYFRIEND

R-okey im Ricky nice meeting you too

R -okey sorry vilu but i got to go home ill see you 2 later okey bye

L&V-okey bye

Me and Leon finished eating our i cream he dropped me off at home, I gave him a fast kiss on the lips and went inside ♥

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