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Leons P.O.V.

I heard that the guys are throwing a party tonight i wanted to ask vilu if she would come with me i went to the studio and saw her talking to the girls

I went over to them




V-hey love

C&F-awww you called him love


V-yeah hahahaha

L-so vilu can i talk to you... alone

C-ahhhh we get the sign

F-wha what 

C-come on fran we will go to maxi

F-oh yeah lets go

They left

L-so i was wondering i heard that there is a party tonight and i was kinda wondering if you would like to be my date to the party???



V-i would love to be your date to the party but i have to ask my dad and i dont think he will let me go to a party

L-tell him your staying at frans tonight

V-thats a great idea

L-i know im a genious

She hit me playfully


The night if the party

Violettas P.O.V.

I was getting ready for the party i was wearing a white skirt a jean blue kinda shirt brown booties my hair was curled and with a bow in it and i did my usual light make up me and all of the guys were going to the party together i told my dad i was staying at frans i heard a knock on the door my dad was out on dinner with Angie so he didnt know Leon was picking me up i went down and opened the door and Leon came in

L-hey you look beautiful tonight shall we go???

V-thank you and we shall

We went to the party i was really crowded in there

V-its really crowded in here

L-i know rightets go find the guys

We found the guys sitting by the sofa its good that they were the only ones there how did the find a place without all the people

V-hey guys

The guys-hey

L-what are you doing

Fr-we were going to play truth or dare and you are joining us

V-oh god

Heart made up on you (leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now