new girl and weird

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Leon's P.O.V.

I heard that there is s new girl coming to the studio and i hope she doesnt like me and try to get through me and vilu. Antonio said that we have to meat in the stage room so we can meet the new girl. So me and vilu went to the stage room and when we were there i put my hands around her waist so the new girl sees that i have a girlfriend already.

A-good morning students i called you here so you can welcome the new student welcome Gery.

"Gery walked in sbe had short brown hair and was wearing jeans and a sweater


Gery's P.O.V.

Oh there is Leon he probobly doesnt remember me we were friends when we were younger well not frinds he didnt even notice me then but i had and still have a huge crush on him i see he has his arms around some girl still he will be MINE . I walked up to him and that girl.

G-hello my name is Gery!

L-hey my name is Leon this is my girlfriend violetta.


G-well nice to meet you Leon and Violet

V-its violetta

G-yeah whatever

G-so Leon i heard you sing really amazing

L-well i guess so

G-could you sing something now

L-well yeah will you join me vilu???

V-sure love!!!♥

Leon's P.O.V.

Vilu and i went on stage and started singing Amor en el aire i wrote it for vilu while we were singing we were loking into each others eyes but i couldnt help but see that Gery was staring at me "weird" i just looked back into vilus eyes and it was like we were the only ones there when we finished i wanted to kiss her but Gery clapped so i didnt get the chance me and then me and vilu went off the stage and Gery came to us

G-oh Leon you have an amazing voice the performance was amazing too

L-well i couldnt have done it without vilu.

V-awww Leon youre so sweet.

She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek

L-i know

G-yeah but you sang the most.

L-okey but me and vilu have to go

I said putting my arm around vilu

G-well bye


Violetta's P.O.V.

Me and Leon were walking out and i turned my head and saw gery giving me death glares that girl is a little weird and crazy!!!

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