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Violetta P.O.V.

i woke up next to Leon and i tried to wake him up too but i couldnt so i pushed him off the bed

L-what the hell!!!!


L-it's not funny

V-yes it is

L-okey lets go down stairs 

V-are your parents home yet

L-no i dont think so 

V-okey so will you help me pack


and we went to pack my things while we were packing leon found my bra and put it on his head

V-Leon take it off its not funny

L-stop what???

V- oh haha now c'mon 

L-ye ye but it was funny thouugh

V-your so crazy and out of your mind

L-i know im crazy about you

V-i know you are

we went down stairs and out of no where leon kissed me

V-what was that for

L-i dont know but now its your turn to return the favor


we were kissing and suddenly the doo bursts open and leon mom and dad come in and hug him and his mom kisses him on the cheek

L-mom get off me your emberrasing me in front of my girlfriend

V-its fine 

L.M (leons mom)-see violetta doesnt mind

V-well then bye leon, Mrs Vargas and Mr Vargas 

L.D(leons dad) -no sweety your not going anywhere your staying for dinner


we were eating dinnner

L.M-so what did you do while we were gone

L-watched some movies,made food btw mom violetta makes really good dinner shes an amazing cook

V-thanks leon your so sweet

L.M-Well its good that violetta took such good care of you while you were sick

L.D-And how are you felling now son

L-better a lot better

L.D-Thats great son

V-well okey thank you for the lovely dinner and i should get going 

L-ill walk you to the door


We walked to the door 

L-Well a goodnight kiss would be nice

V-yeah fine

I kissed him and then said our goodbyes and i walked back home when i opened the door my dad came running and jumping and hugged me

H-thank god your home did leon do anything to you? are you okey? are you pregnant !!!? if you are im gonna kill that boy



then olga came running to me and hugged me too

O-my baby girl your home

V-y-yes olga i am

O-well thats great

V-well im pretty tired i think im gonna go to bed goodnight

H,O- goodnight

i went up to bed and then i got a text from leon saing "Goodnight i love you xx" i texted him back saying "Goodnight love you too xx" and i went to sleep.

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