Untitled Part 18

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As i woke up i put on my pink dress, curled my hair and went down stairs and saw Angie jumping yp and down up and down

V-Angie what are you doing what is wrong

A -nothing im just really happy!!!



G-what my love?

A-should we tell her

A-tell me what?

G&A-We are getting married in 2 months!!!!


A-okey you can stop shouting nowdid you like the suprise???

V-i loved it

V-okey ill go tell Leon bye

A&G- bye

I went to the park and Leon was sitting there he sat up and i was just so happy that i just went up to him and kissed him i was just so happy^^

L-what was that for??? Not that im complaining!!!

V-im sorry i was just soo happy !!!

L-what are you so happy about

V-my dad and Angie are getting married


V - yeah would you be my date to my the wedding???


V-WHAT !!!!

L-No i would love to be your date

V-phew you scared me and your so sweet

And i gave him a small kiss on the lips.

L-i love when you are happy then i get all the kisses


Sorry for the short chapter ill maybe update tommorow^^

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