new guy and the assigment

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I woke up and did my usual morning routine then walked down and ate breakfast and Leon picked me up for the studio and we went to the studio as we walked in we walked to the main room where Antonio told us that he has some news for us

A-hello students i have some news that i know you will like

Fran-what is it

A-first we have a new student joining the studio his name is Alex come in Alex.

The guy walked in he was wearing a blue t-shirt, a jean jacket and some jeans

A-and the other news is that you will have an assigment

Cami-can we choose our partners ???

A-no the partners are

Fran and diego

Fede and naty

Maxi and cami

Leon and ludmila

And since Alex is new he will be in a pair with Violetta

When the meeting was finished me and Leon walked to our lockers since our lockers are almost next to each other

L-i cant belive im in a pair with "ludmi"

V-im sorry love but i dont think you will make it out the first practice alive

L-you know what would make me happier


L-a kiss !!!

V-ha ha okey

We leaned in and were about to kiss when someone coughed in the back it was the new guy

Al-you must be Violetta nice to meet you we are partners i guess

V-yes nice to meet you too and we are!

L-and im her BOYFRIEND Leon

Al-it was nice meeting you violetta and...


Al-ah okey Leon

And he walked away me and Leon were still just standing there

L-sooo where were we

He leaned in again but we heard another cough again it was the Alex guy again what does he want AGAIN

Al-i just wanted to ask you where are we gonna practice ???

V-we can practice here in the studio in Beto's classroom

Al-ah okey well bye Violetta and Lion


As he walked away Leon turned to me

L-i better get you home


I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips

L-thanks i thought i was never gonna get it


We went out of the studio and Leon droped me home i was pretty tired so i just went to sleep right a way

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