still sick

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Morning Violettas  P.O.V.

I woke up in leons arms i almost forgot that i was staying the night i tryied to get out but his arm was around my waist too tightly i lifted it up carefully but ...

L-Good morning beautiful.( in a sleepy voice)

V-Good morning.

L-how did you sleep

V-good you ?

L-better than ever cause you were next to me.

V-haha now wake up!!!

L-5 more minutes mom!!!

V-ha ha funny i know you will wake up after this


I went to his bed and his eyes were closed and i gave him a small kiss on the lips.


V-good now ill go make breakfast.

L-yeah okey.

i went down stairs and made eggs with bacon and then Leon came down 

L-mmmm what smells so good

V-eggs and bacon

L-too bad you are staying here only for 2 days :(

V-ill be here everyday when we get married 

L-then will you marry me now

V-leon im still 17

L-i know i was just kidding


V-okey so its time to see what your tempature is

L-only for a kiss

i went to him and gave him a small kiss


i put the termometer in his mouth and when i took it out it was still high 

V-leon your temperature is still high so you are still sick


L-so do you want to go out for ice cream

V-you are sick remember

L-oh right stupid sickness

V-but ill go to the supermarket what do you need ???

L-i would like some chips and cola

V-okey bye


i went to the supermarket and bought tomatoed, breat, chips, cola, some candy, apple juice, some fruit and popcorn for the movies

when i went home as i walked in i couldnt see leon anywhere so i went looking foor him but couldnt find him then someone came behind me and took my hands i threw him on the floor by his hand 

???-what the hell

V-oh sorry leon i just thought someone was trying to hurt me

L-Its okey bu on question? where the hell did you learn that

V-sometimes federico can be really annoying so i just always flip him and i guess thats where i learned it

L-WOW i well then i dont want to get on your bad side

V-you dont want to see my bad side



it was night and me and leon were watching a comedy film and just couldnt stop laughing it was so funny we even spilled the popcorn and after the movie we bouth got in his bed and then Leon said:

L-good night sweet dreams

V-good night you too love you

L-love you too

And we went to sleep

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