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Violettas P.O.V.

I was walking in the studio when ludmila pulled me me by my hand

L-Violetta come with me to betos class i bet there is something that you neet to see


L-come and see

V-Fine .

i went with Ludmila to Betos class and i saw leon kissing Lara i guess the rumours were true lara does like leon its just i thought he loved me but i guess i was wrong before i knew i started to cry so i ran out the studio and to the park and leon was running after me i finnaly stoped and he came running to me

L-Violetta it wasnt what it lokoed like-

V-Ye right so it didnt look like you and Lara were kissing

L-ye but she kissed me

V-ye right like im gonna belive you

L-please i love you and only you

V-no leon i cant i just cant take the risk of getting hurt again

L-violetta please give me a second chance i promise you wont get hurt.

V-im sorry leon but i think its better for us to break up

L-No Violetta please dont do this to me 

V-im sorry   .-I saw he even had a little of ters in his eyes


V-no leon 

L-okey then... can we atleast stay friends.- he said wiping tears away from his eyes

V-maybe, i dont know im confused right now give me time

L-okey but please, i cant lose you like a friend i love you too much

V-fine we can stay friends but we still have to take a break in our relationship

L-okey... then friends???


L-Can i atlest get on last a friend

V-yes like a friend.-and i hugged him when we pulled away we saud our goodbyes and went home as i went home i went up to my room to write in my diary .I wrote

Dear diary

Today i cought leon kissing lara and i still cant belive that he cheated on me i love him so much, but i guess he didnt fell the same anyways im so excided tommorow we have a show at the studio and i had to write a song for the show i am already finished its called ''QUIERO'' and im gonna sing it tommorow at the show + Antonio said that tommorow at the show will appear some kind of special guests i wonder hwo will it or even they be well thats that and goodnight

I closed my diary and went to sleep!!!

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