Chapter 13

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---Jack's point of view---

What is taking her so long? It's been five hours since she was supposed to be here. Yes, I waited five hours. I have tried to build an ice castle during that time, but it didn't work out. Man! I feel so helpless right now! Not knowing what is going on. .....wait, why do I feel helpless?! I can go see what is going on for myself! Why didn't I think of that earlier?

I made a sled and went down the mountain on it. Haven't done that in a while! It was great. Once I reached the edge of the town, I melted the sled and walked the rest of the way. People were running everywhere telling others about something. It wasn't good, I could tell. Oh no... Please let it not be Elsa! I ran to the castle, when the guards stopped me. Really?!

"What do you think you are doing?" Asked one of the guards.

"Um, I'm actually wanting to ask you a question, not you asking me." I said crossing my arms. Now, they are irritated.

"What is going on? Why are people panicking?" I asked finally.

"Well, word got out that the Queen is missing. It isn't technically true because it hasn't been 48 hours yet though." said the other guard nervously.

"Oh 48 hours my butt." I whispered under my breath.


"Oh nothing." I quickly said, I just remembered that they could lock me up again. I don't want Ol' Saint Nick knowing or Bunnymund because they will give me a grand lecture.

"Can I help look?" I asked.

"No!" Said both guards at the same time.

"Do you really think that we would let you come into the castle just because you want t-"

"It's okay, he's with me." said a lady with strawberry blonde hair and freckles, but I could only tell because she was looking at me. Otherwise I wouldn't because she had a cloak on that covered her from head to foot. The guards gasped, I heard them say that it is the ghost! Hehe....sure. The guards let me in with her, and I smiled. Take that authorities!

"Thank you for letting me ....."
"Just call me la soeur." She said. is a french title but I don't remember what it means.

"Uh....ok?" I answered back. The lady, La Soeur, led me to the library, pulled a lever and led me up a few flights of stairs that magically appeared. I found myself in a room full of papers....and black sand. Pitch.... bad memories flooded my mind, and I began to get a little dizzy. The lady noticed and she pulled up a chair for me to sit in. I sat and tried to refocus.

"You know who did this don't you?" Asked La soeur, that name is just so awkward.

"It definitely reminds me of someone." I answered trying not to dwell on the past.

"Who?" Asked the lady. Wait, who is she really? Why were the guards so scared of her?

"Wait a second. Who exactly are you?" I asked. There was no answer. I asked again, no answer. I looked at her face, the cloak covered up half of it. Suddenly I grabbed the hood and ripped it off her head. My blood ran cold. She looks so similar to.... to Elsa....

"My real name is Anna. And people think that I am dead."

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