Chapter 31

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---Elsa's point of view---

Jack? What happened? Where are you? Everything is dark...I know that I fell asleep, but then what? Ugh....My head is in a fog. Where am I? Oh! I see something. Is Jack?!

"Jack is that you?" My voice echoed and there was no answer. The ice came grew spikes. I tried to run away from it, but I couldn't move. I look down...i was literally frozen to the ground. I can't move...the ice is coming closer. Adrenalin pumped through my veins. Fear flooded me.

"Oh Elsa...why Jack? Why, of all people, do you trust Jack?" A voice said. It came from everywhere. The spikes grew and came closer...

"Do see what Jack is doing? He is going to kill you." said the voice. I looked back at the ice...there was someone behind it, it was Jack.

"Jack! Help!" I tried to yell, but I lost my voice. I saw him use his powers to push the ice. He really is trying to kill me. Does he even know I'm here?

"Jack?!" My voice is still gone and the ice is coming closer. I started to cry. I could hear the ice grinding across the floor....coming closer. I closed my eyes. Then it stopped. Someone stopped the ice....I was now unfrozen. I opened my eyes. Jack...was frozen. I ran to him...did I do this? Oh no...

" had to...he was going to kill you!" said the voice. It came from behind me, it was Pitch. He put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I just sobbed....I felt hopeless, like I did when Anna froze.

I woke up...I found myself in my bed at the castle. Good thing that was only a dream...that was awful! The window shines brightly, the sun must be up. Is it late in the morning? Am I late for something? I got up and noticed that I am still in the dress that I wore last night. I honestly can't remember anything after the fireworks.

I put on a long sleeved navy blue dress on and pulled my hair back in a bun. I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm at least a little bit presentable.

"Good morning Your Majesty." said a voice. I turned and Pitch was there in the shadows.

"Hello. Why the wolves Pitch? I know it was you yesterday." I crossed my arms.

"Oh! I just wanted Jack to see your new abilities, that's all. Basically a bragging situation." Pitch grinned slyly.

"Well you are lucky that no one got hurt." I said. Trying to be fierce to someone who is sooo confident is hard.

"Did you like my touch on the night? A great show wasn't it?" Asked Pitch walking closer.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't tell me that Jack took all the credit!"

"Oh, the fireworks?"

"Yes indeed."

"It was very nice thank you." I'm trying to not be too sincere to Pitch. Jack says that he can't be trusted...I am trying not to trust him, it is that simple.

"I have a feeling that you are keeping something from me Elsa. Everything okay?" Pitch asked in an oily way. I don't know if that is an adjective to describe this, but I used it anyway.

"Everything is fine." I said. I have confidence problems, in case you didn't already know, so speaking to a so called villain is difficult.

"You are lying to me Elsa." Cold chills went down my spine....this guy is creepy.

"How would you know? You don't know me!"

"Oh on the contrary, I know you better than you know yourself. I gave you your powers remember? I have kept an eye on you all of these years." Pitch walked closer and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You can trust me..." I blinked and Pitch was gone. Man, I gotta get out of here. I opened the door and went to my office. Papers overflowed my desk once again.

On the corner, was a vase with a rose in it. I looked closer...the vase was made out of black sand. I looked around. How could he have gotten here that fast? How did he know I was going to be here?

"I know you better than you know yourself...." I jumped. No one was there....okay I'm really getting creeped out. My ice castle! That is where I will have true isolation, like I did years ago. I threw the papers in a bag and told everyone that I wouldn't be gone long. Most of the servants were hesitant, but said okay. I understand...I have been disappearing a lot lately. I walked to Kristoff's barn to see if Jack was there.

"Hello Queen Elsa! It is a great honor!" Exclaimed Kristoff. I smiled.

"Thank you. How are you doing?"

"Eh. I'm surviving."

"Well that's good. Is Jack here?" Kristoff looked at Sven, then looked back at me.

"Nope. Haven't seen him. Why do you ask?" Kristoff was trying not to laugh for some reason.

"Alright. Thank you. Have a good day Kristoff." I said. I left. I heard Kristoff tell Sven 'I told you so'. I smiled, Kristoff knew that I would stop by. Was it that obvious?

I should probably practice my new ability. There wasn't anyone around...perfect! I blasted ice particles out of my hands and went airborne. Off to the North Mountain!

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