Chapter 33

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---Anna's point of views---

I was walking the secret passage ways, as usual. Overhearing conversation between the cooks, guards, and other is what I do on a regular basis. I was in the secret passage ways underground. Then Pitch showed up...

"What do you want." I said casually. Dealing with Pitch, you can't be surprised. You have to pretend that this is an everyday thing.

"Why do you always assume that I want something? Can't I visit a friend?"

"Okay. We aren't friends. I thought that I made that clear." I said with a frustrated smile.

"Oh that is where you are wrong....even if you don't know it."

"Whatever. What is it that you want?"

"I know what I don't want. I don't want rulers in Arendelle...besides me of course, I don't want you being here, I don't want Jack being here, I don't want Elsa being here either. I WANT complete chaos in this kingdom."

"And how do you suppose you would achieve this?" Pitch smiled very evilly.

"Oh don't worry. You'll see." A black sand cloud thing swirled around me and I found myself in chains.....that is where I am now. Okay...doo doo do do...what shall I do now? Panicking used to be a habit for me, but thankfully I have gotten better at that...most of the time. Suddenly I heard someone beside of me. It was Jack!

"Here is someone to keep you company Anna. I'm afraid that I won't be able to...I will be preoccupied." said Pitch.

"Jack! Are you okay?" I exclaimed. I don't care if Pitch is there or not, I will make sure that Jack is okay. He is going to be my brother in law after all....hopefully.

"Anna?! What are you doing here? And yes I'm okay thanks for asking." replied Jack.

"Aw. Isn't this sweet..." said Pitch, ruining the reunion.

"Ah shut your trap Pitch. At least I am not alone, unlike you." Jack said with bitterness.

"Hm. Well, I'm not alone....anymore. Now unfortunately I have to go, I have to make my guest feel welcome." And with that Pitch left. Wait! Was he wearing a suit?

"Jack? Who else is here?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.


---Jack's point of view---

Pitch knows me too well unfortunately...usually the cells I've been in are damp and cold....this one is warm and dry. 1 Pitch: 0 me.

"Do you know what he is planning?" I ask Anna.

"Why would you think I would know?"

"You are the only other person here and I don't know."

"Well...all he told me is that he wants total control over Arendelle. Total chaos!" Anna started rubbing her temples with her hands.

"Did he tell you how he would achieve this?" I asked.

"He needs us out of the way..."

---Elsa's point of view---

I heard it again...the violin. I walked cautiously through the cave...I recognized parts of it since I've been here before. Why did Pitch lead me here? I thought that I could come and go whenever. I'm the Queen! Maybe he just wanted me to know the location of this place so I can come here whenever. I don't know.

The violin played is almost hypnotizing. If I wasn't completely focused, then I probably would be in a trance. I found myself in that room that has all the candles. The room that I was in before.

"I see you have found me." said Pitch. I didn't have to see him to know what his voice sounded like.

"I suppose I did." I said, not moving a muscle.

"Did you miss me?"

"It's not like I had a choice Pitch. I know that you are the voices in my head. I know that you want me to fear you!" I raised my voice. Ice started to form on the floor. Pitch grinned as he stared at the floor.

"Looks like you need more practice."

"Is confusion your friend? Because I'm confused. Why would you have me fear you, but help me? What sick plot are you thinking of?!"

"That's the thing! I'm not thinking of a SICK plot!" Pitch yelled. I jumped. I don't think that I have ever heard him yell.

"You want me to leave you alone? Then fine..." Pitch said quieter.

"All I want is answers."

"Then you will have good time..."

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