Chapter 25

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---Jack's point of view---

I can't find Elsa anywhere, and I have a feeling that she went to Pitch. After everything I told her, what would make her go back? What has he been telling her?

I am near the ice castle again. Checking things twice is working out for Santa, so I guess I'll try it. I was about 200 feet away when I saw two people. Who were they? I snuck closer....there was a woman and a man.....the lady had her hair down and---wait.....she just....made ice? Elsa?! I snuck closer...who was with her? Noir? No....this man was slightly taller with spiky looking hair and---wait...was that Pitch? They both look so different. I could hear what they were saying....

"Just remember what you did before. Remember what you felt. Emotion can influence what you do." said Pitch to Elsa. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out. With a big wave of her hands, a snow glob grew and grew to form a snow creature. It looked alive somehow. Pitch added his touch by waving black sand on it, forming small black spikes on it. It looks even more alive and intense!

"Wow....that looks intimidating...." said Elsa backing away.

"Yes, but that was your focus right? When you wanted to send Anna and Kristoff away, you made a similar creature to intimidate them. To show them that you shouldn't be messed with." Replied Pitch.

"I guess so."

"This is what you have wanted. To test your abilities right? To see what you can do? Taking risks?"

"Yes, I want to get better. I want more control of my powers." Pitch smiled.

"That's my girl." Okay I've had enough. I started walking in the open when...

"I wish Jack would think the same way as you sometimes...."

"What do you mean?" Asked Elsa with a confused expression.

"Jack, doesn't believe in second chances. Once you do something it's make it or break it for him." Pitch said. What? That's not true!

"I'm sure that was just one time. He's better now though right?" Elsa had a concerned expression on her face. She can't believe this creep, can she?
Suddenly a blast of something hit me and I fell unconscious.......

-----few hours later-----

Ugh....what in the world? I slowly opened my eyes finding myself in a dim room filled with papers that looked similar to Elsa's office. A cloth was on my head. I took it off and sat up. Across the room was Elsa in the dress she was wearing before she went to Pitch. A man, Noir, was dabbing her forehead with a cloth when she woke up.

"Ugh....where am I?" Elsa asked sitting up. She gasped as she saw Noir and hugged him. "You're back!"

"I'm glad you're safe, Queen Elsa."

"What am I chopped liver?" I groaned. Elsa looked over to me and was surprised I was there. She smiled and nodded.

"Well thanks." I said sarcastically. I got up and sat next to Elsa. I need to know what was going on.

"Oh! Um...are you in a relationship?" Asked Noir all flustered.

"No! We aren't Noir, but can I talk to Jack alone for a minute?" Asked Elsa with irritation in her voice.

"Of course" Noir said. He bowed and left.

"What makes you think that we are in a relationship?!" Man, Elsa gets right to the point.

"I don't know. Maybe because you love me." I said in a teasing manner. She started to blush.

"I do not!"

"You sound pretty defensive there Elsa....probably because you are denying the truth." Her face was so red that I started to laugh. I miss joking around with her...its so much fun!

"I'm just kidding Elsa, but seriously you do." She began to protest but I interrupted her. It was on purpose...

"So what happened?"


"How did we end up here Elsa?"

"Oh. Well I really don't know. I mean, uhhhhhh......" Elsa isn't good at making things up.

"I know you were with Pitch, just tell me what happened." I said.

"Oh! Um. Well he was showing me how to discover the limits of my powers, when he stopped in mid sentence. He whispered that someone was interrupting our lesson. I was confused, and he asked if I trusted him. I didn't have time to reply before I was blasted with black sand and became unconscious. Then I woke up here. Noir must have found me in the snow or something. But...why are you here?"

"I don't know....thats why I asked you!"

"Jack! Did you eavesdrop on my conversation with Pitch?"

"Um....sort of?" I said nervously. Elsa looked frustrated.

"I was just wondering where you were! So...I looked on the North Mountain and found you with Pitch. Next thing that I knew was that I woke up here."

"Okay. I believe you." said Elsa not as frustrated.

"Did you trust him?"


"Pitch asked you if you trusted him right? So did you?"

"I don't know. I didn't want to..." Elsa said thoughtfully.

"It was his stinkin' charm wasn't it?" I asked. It was more like a statement than I question.

"No...I don't think it was charm...more like charisma."

"Well that's what I meant then." We both smiled and looked down. When I'm with Elsa...I can never think of a conversation starter. My mind goes blank! I try though...please give me an A for effort.

"So. I tried building an ice castle."

"Did you really?" Elsa said sarcastically. We must be sarcastic people....everyone I met is sarcastic! Maybe besides Kristoff.

"Yup. I failed miserably yeah"

"Well maybe when I figure out how I made the castle I'll teach you." Said Elsa.

"You didn't know how?! How did you do it then?" Elsa laughed, my face must have looked funny.

"I don't know. It's part of the reason I'm letting Pitch help me. To understand why I built the things I did and how I did."

"You know my feelings about this Elsa."

"I know."

"Well. At least you don't want to get rid of your powers anymore right?"

"Right." I looked at Elsa and she looked at me.

"Good. I don't want to be alone again. You are special, and you shouldn't feel like you should change anything." Elsa grinned a bit. I don't feel like Elsa has received many complements for awhile. We didn't look away....we just got closer and closer....when.....

"Your majesty. Oh! Am I interrupting something?" Said Noir as he entered. Yeah...yeah you were you idiot.

"Yes he was" I said.
"No he wasn't! Shut up Jack!" Elsa whispered. I mouthed the word 'fine' and I stood up. I exited the room and was about to walk down the hall when Noir followed.

"Take care Jack." He said. His eyes shined and had a yellow tint. Oh crap...he went back in with Elsa to talk and I ran. I had to get out of here! I need to talk to Anna! I found the way out and ran to Anna's abandoned room. Man....I think that I know the secret now....and she was was definitely a surprise.

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