❤part 3❤

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Ahhh so Like I said at the part 2. I'll make two parts today :D Yayyy <3 Clap for me! Clap for me!

I'm boring I know but.


(I need some friends...)

To the story now!


After I finished chasing Natsu ofcourse he ran away. I'm to slow. It was already time for me to go home. I missed the bus so I had to go home by walking. I put the earphones on my ears and listened to music.

I almost tripped once. I'm a clumsy person. I tripped over MYSELF. How can this happen?

Then I felt someone wrap their arm around my neck.

Natsu:" hey dumb blonde!"

Me:"what do you want?"

Natsu:" missed the bus?"


Natsu:"oh same here!"

He made an evil smile and then he made a huge grin. I don't like how this is going.

Natsu:" here... We go!"

He picked me up bridal style and started walking.

Lucy:" you moron let me go!!!"

Natsu:" nope!"

I started to hit him and punch him. I even strugled to escape but no luck.

Lucy:" comon!!!"

Natsu:" alright. We're home!"

Lucy:" we're?"

Natsu:" yup. I got apartment right next to yours!"

I made a huge jaw drop. He WHAT?! This is a nightmare come true?! Why does this need to happen to me? Why???

Natsu:" here"

He droped me so I falled right on my butt. Very nice.

Lucy:" you could atleast drop me nicely you ass hole!"

Natsu:" Never in your wildest dreams!"

He winked at me and walked inside the house. I went to my doors and unlocked them.

Natsu:" oh and yeah! Make pancakes today!"

Lucy:" and WHY would I make pancakes for you too?!"

Natsu made a huge smile.

Natsu:" because I have no food."

Thats smile. I blushed and looked away.

Lucy:" oh okay..."

He smiled and closed his door. I needed a few seconds to realise what just happend.

When I went inside. I slammed the school bag on the floor and threw myself on the bed.

*phone rings*

I picked up the phone.

Mira;" hey lucy!"

Lucy:" oh hey! Whats up?"

Mira:"wanna go to the cinema today?"

Lucy:" oh ye..."

Just when I wanted to agree I remembered the pancakes and Natsu.

Lucy:" actually I cant sorry"

Mira:" why not?"

Lucy:" some bussines!"

My face heated up. But I was lucy we were talking trough the phone.

Mira:" A DATE?! WITH WHO?!"



I hang up before she would explode. I went to take a shower.

After a while I went out of the shower. I wore some sweat pants and a baggy shirt. Because the feeling is amazing.

I jumped on my bed and layed down. I started to read a book Levy gave me. But after a few pages I fell asleep.

~after 5 hours~

Natsu:" Hey Happy do you think shes asleep?"

Happy:" aye sir! She probably is!"

I slowly started to wake up. And the first thing I saw was. Natsu being on top of me. Shirtless. Looking at my face.

Lucy:" AHHHH MORON!!!"

I kicked him right at his weak spot. My face was red like a tomato. Or even worse.

Natsu:" owww!!!"

Happy:"hahaha thats what you get for getting into lucys apartment!"



Thats it for now. I got a little tired xD and I'm to lazy to correct the mistakes so sorry ;_;

I'll update the next part tommorow!^^


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