❤part 20❤

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(Natsu POV)

The days are passing by very quick. Lisanna still didn't stop stalking me but I always find a great way to find an excuse. I've moved from my apartment to Lucys so we're living together now so I wont lose her outta my sigh.

I'm worried about something but I dont remember what it is... Every time Lisanna is near me I sense that smell that I hardly get away from her.

Teacher:" Natsu. Are you listening at all?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at the clock. Still 20 minutes to go.

"I'm sorry!" I said quickly. And looked at the sit next to me. Lucy is still at home the doctor said it will be good if she stays at home for a while.

Teacher:"good" the teacher turned around and starting to write on the black board.

I hit my head. On the table and sighed. This is so boring!

~after the school~

This makes me think. I didn't see happy for a long time since hes with Carla and Lily all the time. Probably at their own school. Gotta call him today.

I smiled. And walked towards Lucys I mean OURS apartment. I went to the nearest flower shop and bought a rose. Who thought I'll be a romantic person huh? I paid then left and walked again.

I wonder whats for lunch today. Im hungry.

I pulled out my phone and texted Lucy.

(Lucy POV)

My phone buzzed. I picked the phone and saw that Natsu has messaged me.


Natsu: Hey Beautiful! :) whats for lunch todaaaaay~<3

I smiled by myself. He never changed at all. Still the same person as he was. Happy,hungry all the time, and adorable!

I texted back:

To Natsu:

Lucy: since I have almost nothing in the fridge. I decided to make a pizza :] Its that okay? Love you~ <3

It didn't take a second when the phone puzzed again.

Natsu: that sounds great!<3 I'm coming in about 5 minutes~ I miss you already! And I love you too❤

I placed forks,plates,knives on the table. I've got the pizza out of the oven sliced it in pieces and placed the pizza on the table. When I was done I sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

I still have to pay the rent. I gotta ask Natsu if we can go on a mission. I didnt call the spirits for a long time. Only Plue. And I gotta meet my friends. They came visit me in the hospital too but not everyday tho.


I looked around and yup. He still wont come inside trough the door. It has to be the window. I walked towards him.

"Learn how to use the door will ya?" I giggled and pinched his cheek.

Natsu:" But using the door is no fun!" He made a fake sad face and hugged me.

"Well you will have to learn. Now comon I can hear your stomach is hungry. The pizza is ready" I said and walked in the kitchen.

Not suprising that he ate almost all the pizza. I ate like 5 of them and I was already full. I was cleaning the dishes when some arms wrapped me around the waist.

Natsu:" thank you for lunch. It was amazing~" he purred that in my ear making me shiver. He sniffed my neck.

I turned around and pecked his lips.

"Help me clean the dishes pleaaase~?" I made the puppy eyes. I know this will work.

He was thinking for a while and then nodded.

~after the cleaning~

We layed on the floor and started to look at our photos when we first meet and until now.

Natsu:" remember at your birthday when I smashed my face in your cake and ate all of it?" he started to laugh.

"Of course I do. I didn't talk to you for a week. I alway laughed at your face when I turned around and ignored you. It was priceles. But you were so adorable~!" I giggled and turned so I was facing him.

He pulled me closer and kissed me. Then just hugged me and snuggled his face in my neck.

I pulled out my camera and said.


I took a picture and smiled.

Natsu:" this one is going on the wall" he said and smirked.

Oh yeah the rent. Ill ask him that tommorow. I smiled and hugged him. I wish we'll stay like this forever <3


Its saturday wohooo! Finally :3

O-M-G 1200 readers?!? Omg I've never in my whole life thought I'll have so many readers! I send a big thank you for all the likes!~❤

The story is not even CLOSE to be over so dont worry ^^

Love you<3,


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