❤part 26❤

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(Lucy's POV)

Next day went by very quick. We had no work today since the restaurant is gettig a new look. I sat on the sofa staring at the wall. Natsu was taking a shower and Happy went somewhere. I really don't know where right now.

My phone buzzed. I reached for my phone. I got a message from Levy.

Levy: hey girl :D come on skype!

Me: okay be right on!

I took out my laptop from the bag and turned it on. After a while I cliked on skype and logged in.

~Levy is calling~

I cliked on accept. Then I saw Levy and Erza,Mira and Juvia behind her.

"Hey girls!" I said.

"Hey Luce! Long time no see!" Said Levy

"So hows it going with Natsu~? I heard you two are together!" Mira said and winked at me.

"If he tries to do ANYTHING to you I'll come and KILL him" Erza said with red eyes.

"So Lucy is not Juvia's Love rival anymore?" She asked looking excited.

"Yes... And I was NEVER your rival Juvia. And don't worry Erza! Natsu wouldnt do anything stupid" I said and smiled.

Levy:" Ok Ok so...  Did he ask you on a date yet?" she said raising her voice on the word Date.

Mira clapped her hands while grining at me.

"No he did not" I said sad a little.

"Oh he will HAVE TO. Or I'll CUT HIS HEAD OFF AND HAVE IT ON MY WALL AS A PICTURE!" Mira said raising her fist in the air while she had yellow eyes and sparkles in it.

"No! And why is everyone at your place Levy?" I asked while looking at Levy.

"Well. We decided to have a sleep over and call you of course! So we can have some fun together! And girl chit chat!" she said excited "and I have to tell you about some new books I readed yesterday!" She said smiling.

"Yo Luce who you talking to?" Said aperantly someone behind me.

Girls gasped.

"Ohh Lu-chan! I didn't know you were already taken tonight!" Levy said smirking at me.

Mira:" Ohhh we will leave you two alone!" she said grining and winking at me.

"Wait girls! What are you talking abo-"

~call was canceled~

"Hey Natsu why were they acting so-" I turned around "KYAAAA!!!!" I fell off the chair and my face was red like Erzas hair.

"What?" Natsu said.

"PUT SOME GOD DAMN CLOTHES ON!!!!!!" I screamed at him

"Whaaaaat? Im wearing a towel for gods sake!" He said "Its not like I'm naked!" he said acting dumb.

Thats how he was. A white towel around his waist. And his hair was messy. And his abs.... And his BODY... and hi- WHAT AM I THINKING!


I tried to call everyone! Mira,Erza,Levy and Juvia. But no answer.

Im screwed !!!!

(Mira's POV)

"What do you think they are doing???" asked Levy

"Oh we know exactly what!" we all said while grining.

"We shall tell everyone" I said with my fist in the air.

"Good idea!" said Erza.

"I still have my revenge what Lu-chan did to me!" Levy said

"Is that you LEVY? You never talk like this!" we all said terrified.

"Whaaaat? Its just that she almost told Gajeel that I like him!" She said blushing.

"OTP's are coming true" I said and fainted with hearts in my eyes


Yay thats it for today :) I hope ya'll liked it! Vote,comment maybe?

Love you all❤


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