❤part 15❤

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Hey everyone ^^ its sunday today so I have more time yay :D

any idea what I should write about? If you have then comment.

And should I add more people? Comment their names xD I mostly forget about the others so sorry T^T


(Natsu POV)

Lisanna is back... Not her please why did she had to move to this school. I went to my locker opened it and took the books for the next class.

"HAY NATSU!!!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. I looked over at where the voice came and saw Lisanna. Not her.

"What do you want?" I said bored. And rolled my eyes.

Lisanna:" Oh my dear Natsu did you forget about something?" she said sweetely. It disqusted me.

I searched for Lucy with my eyes and saw her with Mira and the other girls. Lucy looked at me gave me a smile.

Lucy:"Hey Natsu! Lets go to our next class shall we?" she said cheerfuly

"Excuse me Lisanna. I have to go to my girl!" I snapped at her and ran to Lucy. I heard Lisanna say something bad but I just ignored her.

I grabed Lucys hand and we both walked hand in hand to the next class. I saw her blush. Shes so cute like really.

"You just saved my day Luce" I sighed and looked at her.

Lucy:" well I knew that! I saw your face asking someone for help. It was just priceless!" she giggled and poked my nose.

"Pfft~" I smiled at her and blushed a little too.

(Lisanna POV)

Ugh I hate that girl. What does she think she is? I'll get them to break up I'll find a way!

Bickslow:" Yo new girl!"

I turned around and sighed. What does this idiot want anyway? He keeps staring at me.

"What?" I said coldly.

Bickslow:" was just wondering if you want... You know hang out sometimes? Like get some coffee or something?"

He leaned on the locker and looked at me. He blushed a little too. 'Aww so cute' I thought. Wait what??? I need to think about Natsu. But hey I might make him jeleous!

Bickslow: "sooo... Yes or no?"

"Sure why not?" I faked a smile. He smiled back at me and then he left. Ugh boys... I walked to the next class.

(Lucy POV)

Im still worried about Natsu. Lisanna seems to follow him EVERYWHERE. When me and Natsu talk she always comes.

Natsu:" Hey Luce!"

"Hmm?" I looked over at him. He scratched the back oh his head.

Natsu:" could we meet today at the park? So you could help me with math?" he looked nervous. Aww!

"Sure why not?" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

(Natsu POV)

Yes the plan is working. Finally! I texted Gray and the other guys to come in the gym so we can talk.

I walked to the gym and saw the boys already there.

Jellal:" so why are we here?

Gajeel:" Im curious so yeah"

"Well. You all know I love Lucy right?" I said and the other boys nodded.

"So I want to confess my feelings to her... Well we will meet today at the park. But I wont confess now. But some other day. And we didnt even went to any date..." I scratched the back of my head.

"I want to ask her on a date" I said that nervously.

Gray sighed "any plan?"

Jellal:" well I took Erza to a fancy restaurant. That might work. But maybe for the first date you should take her to a cinema or something?"

The other boys nodded.

"Well theres one problem!" I said and looked at them in the eye.

Gajeel:" what?"

"Our problem is Lisanna. She keeps following me around and whenever I talk to Lucy she comes!" I said.

Elfman:" dont worry I'll take care of her because I'm a MAN!"

Bickslow:" I'll help too!"

Elfman:" well THATS a MAN!"

We laughed and I nodded. I decided to ask her on a date when we'll meet at the park. I cant wait!

I'm excited. I went outside the school and found Lucy sitting on the bench. We decided to go get some icecream and then go to the park. Im nervous!


This part might be boring to ya'll but hey I cant let things happen to fast or then there wont be alot of parts! I'll write alot of parts so this book will be long.

Love you all!


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