❤part 23❤

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(Lucy's  POV)

Natsu:" huh? Shopping? Why?"

"Because I don't want you to walk around NAKED!" I said and facepalmed.

Natsu:" I'll go if..."

"If?..." I asked placing my keys and wallet inside of the bag.

Natsu:" IF we'll go eat something after that!"

I thinked for a while then nodded.

Happy:"Hey! That's not fair! I want food to!"

"Don't worry I'll leave some money at home. Call someone to get you food and say  to leave it beside the door. Okay?" I looked at happy. He nodded and smiled.

Natsu:" Oh and call Carla. Maybe she'll be jeleous that you're here!" he chuckled and left.

I waved at Happy and followed Natsu.

~at the town~

There werent much of the clothes shops. But the clothes in there were nice.

I found a shop perfect for Natsu's outfits. Suits. We'll I know he wont like it but he has to wear suits in the palace so he has no choice but to wear them!

Natsu sighed. "Do we really need to go buy suits?"

"Of course! What will you wear then?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

Natsu:" Nothing! Just shorts!" he said scratching the back of his head.

"I'm so dissapointed in you! You're turning into perverted Gray!" I highed my voice.

I draged Natsu into the suit shop. I picked some black pants,black suit, white shirt and a red tie. I picked some gray suit and so on...

I draged him into the changing room. I threw the suits at him pushed him into the dressing room and closed the door.

"Tell me when you're ready!" I said and went to search for some suits other colors... 'Light blue would suit him too' I thought.

(Natsu POV)

I was staring at the mysterious clothes. Like HOW DO YOU EVEN DRESS THIS THING?  What is this thing? Is this a belt? Do you swirl it around like a scarf? I looked at the piece of paper attacked do it.













....OHHHH ITS A TIE!!!!! Now I get it! How do you even tie this anyway.

Well what ever I'll just ask Lucy to do that for me. I dressed up and faced the mirror. Now I look like Loke the flirt.  Anyway...

I went out of the changing room and searched around with my Eyes. No sigh of Lucy where the hell is she?

[?] " ohh Look at this hottie! He looks so dreamy!~" I turned to that voice and saw a few girls whispering something looking at me.

Then suddenly Lucy came. "Sorry Girls. But he's mine" she hissed. I smirked at her. So proud of MY girl.

She looked at me and blushed. "You really look good in that" she said and smiled. After that we bought the suits and a few of black shoes.

"Hey Luce" I turned to face her and poked her.

Lucy:" hm? What is it?"

"Well since you bought me the suits its time for me to buy something for YOU!" I said dragging her to a girls store. I guess.

Now it was MY turn to drag her around and push her in the dressing room.

'Revenge' I said in my mind after giving her the clothes I choose fot Lucy.

(Lucy POV)

I wonder what it is. I looked at the clothes he choosed for me. I picked the first dress it was black with a red belt. Okay? I putted it on.

Then I realised... It was a dress when you remove the belt the whole dress goes down.

Natsu opened the door of the cabin and smirked at me.

Natsu:" you look good" he said grabing the belt and remove it leaving me only in my underwear!

"AHHHHHH PERVERT!!!!!!! LUCY KICK!!!!!" I kicked him out. I closed the door and locked it.

'He will SO PAY!'


So sorry for the long wait :( so many exams... And my birthday is soon! Yay ^_^

Thank you again for all the readers and likes! Almost to 2K readers! Love yall!


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