❤part 21❤

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(Lucy's POV)

I woke up with Natsu's arm around me. I looked over the clock and saw that It was already 9am. I tapped Natsu's arm.

"Hey wake up!" I yelled whispered at him. He opened his eyes and pulled me closer to him.

"Just 5 more minutes" he said and closed his eyes. I removed his arm around me and stood up.

"Wake up or else I'll throw you off the bed!" I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for his answer.

"Comon Luce~ Just 5 more minutes" I heard him snoring. How can he fall back asleep so easily?

"You asked for it" I mummbled at myself. I grabed his foot and draged him off the bed so he falled on the floor with his head.

"Ouch!" he tapped his head and looked at me questioning.

"What? I said I'd drag you out of the bed and I did it since you falled back asleep!"

"No not that. Its saturday! Why did you wake me up?" He stood up and started to dress up.

"We need to go to the quild hall. Since I need to pay my rent we need money. So I was thinking if we could go on a mission. But if you don't want to go then stay at home okay?"

I said looking at him while I was putting on black skinny jeans,pink shirt and a brown leather jacket.

"No no no I'm coming with you!" he said and  took his scarf grabed my hand and leaded me to the quild hall.

There was almost no one at the quild hall Only me,Natsu,Mira,Lauxus,Juvia and Gray. When they saw me they all ran to me and tackled me down into a bear hug.

"LUCYYYYY!!!" they screamed and smiled.

I greeted them. You see, since the fairy tail high started we only came to the quild hall at fridays,saturdays and sundays.

Natsu left me to decide for a mission. I looked at the ones for like 500.000 jewels to 1.000.000. I looked at one where you needed to  be a waiter at a milionares castle and you get 1.000.000 jewels!! They needed a boy and a girl. 'PERFECT' I said in my mind. I walked over to Mira.

"Ill take this job" I said and handed her the piece of paper. She smiled at me.

Mira:" who are you going with?" she looked around and her eyes landed on Natsu who had put his arm around my waist and pecked my cheek.

"Are you two?..." Mira said it didnt take a second when Natsu answered "yup" He said grining down at me. I blushed a little and smiled back.

Mira jumped up and down. "SINCE WHEN???" she asked.

"Since two days ago" me and Natsu said both at the same time.

Mira colapsed on the ground with hearts in her eyes. Weird. Laxus walked over to her, picked her up and chuckled at her and pinched her cheeks.

I gave Natsu the paper of the mission and he decided to do it. We went home and packed our stuff.

"We're going by the train" I said.

"Why the train??? You know I'll get motion sicknees!" he was getting sick just to think of it.

"But if we go by walking it'll take 5 hours!" I threw my hands in the air and made the puppy eyes.

He finally gave up. I took my celestial keys and walked towards the door. I glanced at the room once  again. 'Ill see you in one week' I said closed the door and smiled at Natsu.

This mission is going to be interesting.


Yayy I cant wait till I'll write the next part! So excited!

I love you everyone for liking and reading my book! It really means alot to me!

Dont forget to comment what you think of the book so far ^_^ It would really help me! <3


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