Chapter two.

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The quest had been a joke. It was way to easy for her. She'd been able to figure it out in a matter of weeks. And yet, because of her reluctance of returning to the guild she'd drawn out the time to finish it for the past four years. 

It had been sent out by a small village in the border to Bosco. There had been smoke rising from a nearby glacier. Whenever the locals tried to search for the source, the search parties didn't return, and if anyone did, they would have lost their minds. There were some occasions when the smoke had stopped, and every time it had, numerous people died. 

What had really been going on was that the aristocrates of the town were the ones responsible, they'd seen it as a way to make the commoners comply. Even though they apparently had been the ones to submit the quest. It was an effort to try and silence the commoners suspicion. They had a demon trapped beneath the glacier, under the controll of a rather powerful puppetier. However, neither he or the demon had been a match for Satomi. The rest of the time she'd spent having a rather dull cat and mouse game with the aristocrates. She refused the payment the commoers had tried to offer her. They needed it much more than her. She had no use for money. 

So that was the reason she now found herself standing outside the guild at least a few years prematurely. This was to soon for her, she wasn't ready to leave the guild. She loved the fairy tail crest that rested on her collarbone. The warmth and love that she could feel emmitting from it. For the first time she didn't want to enter the guildhall. Then she heard footsteps approaching around the corner. There was not a single fibre in her that didn't repond to those steps, even though they were actually unfamiliar to her. The hairs on her arms and neck rose at the feeling. She took a deep breath before she pushed the door to the guild open. She could do this. Satomi just needed to clear the room and get to the second floor and she'd be safe for at least a little bit. 

She could feel his presence getting closer from behind her. He'd noticed her already. Which she had to admit was quite impressive. Satomi took a step inside but halted, raising her hand calmly stopping the person that came flying through the air as a result of the ongoing fight. The youth hovered mid air infront of her as she schooled her features into neutrality. The dark haired boy turned to face her with a confused expression at the same time as  the footsteps stopped just behind her. 

Satomi did her best to ignore the precense at her back and cast a spell on him that would make him unable to sense any of her discomfort. Her eyes grazed over the boy she held with her telepathy. The guild had grown silent. 

"Put some clothes on" She muttered as she released him, gently setting him down on the floor. The kid yelped in surprise as he discovered that he yet again was dressed only in his boxers. 

"Well, well, what's this?" Satomi went completely still as the person at her back spoke. With a undetectable shrug she marched inside, not offering him any attention. Heading straight towards the stairs to the second floor where the master currently resided. She started on the staircase as the other guildmembers mumbled amongst themselves. She'd spoken to very few of them, for many this was probably the first time they'd seen her. She ususally chose to come when it was less crowded. 

"You know it's rude to ignore people Satomi" Laxus put extra weight on her name, she could tell he reveled in the fact that he knew her name. To her surprize and terror he followed her up the stairs without heistation. She stopped abruptly and turned on her heel. She hated herself for it. He stopped easily as well, showing no sign of surprize to her sudden stop. She glared at him. The guild grew quiet again. 

"As far as I recall, only S-class mages can enter the second floor... Being the masters grandson doesn't relieve you from that rule" Her voice was cold and harsh enough to slice through stone. He grinned at her mockingly, he'd succeeded in ticking her off already. And even so it took every ounce of willpower in her to not tackle him. He was two steps below her on the stairs, but he still stood eye to eye with her. He'd grown significantly since the last time. Gained a pretty decent weight in muscles as well. He was radiating with magic power. She praised herself for enchanting him as soon as she'd got the chance, or she'd be screwed right now. He had matured alright. 

"You're correct, it doesn't, me being an s-class mage does" He stepped onto the empty step between them, leaning closer. She could feel his breath on her skin, it sent jolts through her entire body. Satomi turned and continued up the stairs without a word, desperately trying to put some distance between them. 

"Won't you entertain me for a bit, it was pretty rude of you to just disappear like you did last time you know" His hand was on her shoulder before she realized he'd even reached for her. The arrogance of his words made her fume with rage. Was this really the type of person he was?! She could feel her fangs errupt as her primal fought to take controll. She grabbed his hand and flashed around so fast he didn't have time to respond. In less than a milisecond they were on the floor, Satomi having one of her knees on his chest. Her claws already out, she could feel the transformation coming, and she didn't really want to stop it. Mixed with this rage, she might just kill him, and the problem would be solved. Laxus stared at her in surprise as she snarled at him, baring her fangs, claws clenching his throat ready to rip it out. It would only take a little bit of force. No. Not even that. She growled, the sound was dark and feral. 

"Satomi." Makarov's voice sounded from behind her. She only turned her head halfway acnowledging the master's presence, her glare never left Laxus' face. His warmth felt nice underneath her hands. One at his throat, the other still clenching his hand which she had alreday broken, she'd heard the bones snapping. 

"I'd appreciate it, if you didn't kill my grandson" Makarov interrupted again, stopping her attention from turning back to Laxus. She heard the threat in his voice, but didn't really care. He was no match for her anyway, but... This place was to important to simply throw away in a fit of rage. 

Her claws snapped back with a click, the small punctures where they had been squeezing turned red and a small strip of blood ran down his neck. She wanted to lick it away. Instead she smirked at Laxus' still surprised expression, flashing her fangs once more before she retracted them and stood graciously. Strolling towards Makarovs office, passing by the master himself. The old man didn't move as she passed him, he just stood there glaring at his grandson. She smiled again, Makarov had heard how she'd been provoked. 

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