Chapter sixteen.

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Satomi stared at the guild master in frustration and anger. She had made it perfectly clear on more than one occasion that she didn't want company on her quests, and yet he was ignoring it. She didn't need any help and she definetly didn't need it from the blonde sitting on the chair beside her. He hadn't spoken a word since she entered the office. He'd already been there waiting, when she arrived.

"I already told you NO, many years ago. Are your ears just for show?" Makarov flatly ignored her sharp tone. Which only aggravated her even more. She'd given the old man the quest flyer yesterday. When he saw what quest it was he'd asked her to stay in Magnolia until the next day, so that he'd have time to inform the client that it had been accepted. When she woke up the next day she'd been called to the office. He wouldn't let her go alone.

"I know, but you already know what this is about. For safety's sake, I don't want you to go alone." She snarled at him outraged.

"I can take care of myself"

"Not your safety, Satomi." he countered calmly. She frowned at him. He knew this was a personal matter for her, which only made it much more private. He should be able to understand that.

"I have no problem with controlling myself" She cut back, even though she wasn't entirely sure if she was being honest enough with herself, taking her sleep deprivation into consideration. Makarov gave her a long stare, he wasn't budging. Laxus made an barely audible sigh of impatience. He sat with his arms crossed over his chest, seeming rather indifferent to the ongoing argument. It was obvious that he'd already settled with his grandfather's decision.

"Either you accept this demand, or you don't go. That's my final conclusion as master, and you will obey me"

"I don't need a babysitter" Makarov sighed looking down for a second thinking. Satomi glared at him defiantly. A glass of water fell on its own from Makarov's desk and shattered on the floor. Neither him or the blonde at her side said anything. They just stared at her in silence, which was when Satomi realized the room was shaking from her anger, effectively proving her previous arguments wrong. She shook her head and finally turned her glare away from the man at the other side of the desk. As she calmed herself the room went quiet again. Had she really gotten to the point where she couldn't tell that her power was running out of controll? 

When it came to this matter her emotions took controll. She glanced at the quest paper laying on the desk, perhaps it did hit a little close to home. For once it might actually be a good thing to have a plus one. She looked at Laxus from the corner of her eye, he was staring at her, waiting for her conclusion. His magical power wasn't enough to stop her when she got serious, but he could definetly distract her long enough to knock her out. It had gotten a little easier to be around him lately, but having him around on a quest? What if he got in her way, or slowed her down? Or even worse, distracted her to the extent that she became unable to focus on the quest at all? Perhaps she could ask to have someone else accompany her? No... It would be to dangerous for anyone else, except Gildarts, but he was already gone on a quest. Since not going wasn't up for discussion this was the only option. Her eyes narrowed as she considered what it would be like. Laxus had become a powerful and talented mage. He might even make things a bit easier, if she could just endure. They might be able to finish the quest swiftly and go their separate ways. She sighed, her shoulders relaxing a little as she gave up the argument. 

"Fine" As she more or less spat the word out Makarov nodded at her surrender, approvingly pushing the quest paper towards them. 

"When will you leave?" He questioned his gaze shifting between them. Satomi wanted to say immideately, but she knew that since she had to travel and work with the man at her side, she tried to be a bit more diplomatic. 

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