Chapter six.

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Untill the very last second it looked like Satomi would indeed have to fill the final spot for the B team in the Grand magic games, untill Jellal had turned up and said he'd pose as Mystogan. Satomi wasn't fully trusting of him, however, she really didn't want to be forced to fight. She was grateful that she was allowed to sit on the sidelines as backup. No one knew of course that she'd be the last one to step up. 

Satomi had at first been grateful that she wasn't going to compete, but as the battles started her wrath rose. Taming her temper had left her exhausted at the end of the day. She visited the infirmary, wanting to offer to heal her fellow guildmates, but they were all sound asleep, she didn't wish to disturb them. She went to Makarov next, he was at their living quarters. Satomi's rage only grew when he refused her wish to put her in after all.  Which was how she ended up in the forest outside of the capital, she was agitated, and felt like she needed to get away from the bustling city, the constant noise of chatter and people scurrying about, as well as the tournament making her impatient. The fact that she had to stand idly by on the sidelines as her comrades were hurt didn't help either. A sense of regret filled her at refusing the master's initial request for her to attend.

After walking for a while she eventually reached the cave she'd been headed for, she'd heard it had become a gatheringplace for guild members traveling to support their competing comrades. She'd also heard you could test your own strength against the other guilds there, in other words, a perfect place to blow off steam. 

As she entered the cave it was pitch black, however her vision had no trouble adapting to the dark. The cave smelled like wet stone, blood and sweat, the air already filled with magic power. Light could be seen through a crack in the stone on the left wall further in. There was a barrier, Satomi stopped in front of it looking at it in disintrest. 

"Guild?" A voice on the other end asked, Satomi crossed her arms over her chest impatiently. 

"Fairy tail" She stated simply, the person at the other snickered at her response. 

"Run back to your friends, there's no room for losers here" She rolled her eyes at him, stepping forward, letting her body merge with the mountain, the magic in the stone felt cold and unwelcoming against her senses. She continued to move forward, easily stepping straight through the barrier. 

"You speak as if a weak ass barrier like that can keep me out" The man she stood face to face with jumped in surprise as she emerged from the stone. 

"What the?! How did you do that?" Satomi ignored him walking into the crowd, as people noticed her guild mark they began to snicker to themselves. Satomi put a hand at her hips, fingers coiling around the thick chain that hang there, she'd had it materialize as she entered the room. Her claws and fangs resting just below the surface, that was all she'd need to silence the snickering of the pityful lot present. There were already a couple of mages sparring uttering curses and insults at eachother in the centre of the room. Some were sitting at rocks further in the back, chatting and laughing despite having different guild crests. 

"A lone fairy is it?" A dark voice sounded behind her, she heard the swosh of the fist of the mage behind her already on its way to strike her down, she turned in a flash, catching his arm with her hand, her claws protruding from her fingers, piercing his skin immideately. He yelped in surprise at her quick response and tried to yank his arm free of her grip, but it was to firm and her claws were already bone deep.  He had his guild mark convinently placed on his lower arm, Satomi twisted it around to get a look at it, making him squirm from the pain. She frowned in disgust as she spotted the raven tail mark. Another male approached her sword raised, the same guild mark on his shoulder. With ease Satomi turned yanking the man she'd grabbed with enough force for him to lose his footing, she sent him flying straight into his charging guild mate. The two hit the cave floor with a bang. An all out fight broke lose, Satomi moved amongst the battling mages with the grace of a dancer. She was to fast for anyone to pin, and most wizards fell after a blow or two. She equiped different types of swords and small blades, as well as she used her shapeshifting abilities as she saw fit. As her last opponent fell she was back at the exit. 

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