Chapter thirtytwo.

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"You're sure you don't need any more help for a while?" Satomi glanced at Marie from over the desk they shared in the older woman's shop. Marie sighed, rolling her eyes a bit. 

"For goodness sake child. I've said it five times. Yes, I'm sure. The way business is going at the moment, keeping two people would be excessive." Satomi narrowed her eyes a bit sceptically, turning back to the dress she was finishing.

"You always say that, and then when I return later on you always give me hell for not being here to help you out"  Marie frowned a bit, putting down her pair of scissors as she finished cutting the pieces for a waistcoat. 

"That's because you're usually gone for months. No - years!" Satomi winced a bit at the lashing reminder, the willfull middleaged woman certainly didn't hold back in her reprimand. Satomi pursed her lips a bit, her stare directed at the dress in her hands in determination. 

"I might.... Consider coming home more often" Her announcement was met by silence, and eventually Satomi couldn't help but glance at her guardian. Marie eyed her with suspicioun, leaning on the table between them. 

"How come? Why the sudden change of heart?" Satomi turned back to the dress again evasively. 

"No special reason. It's just been... Nice. Staying home for a bit" She could feel Marie's stare weighing on her for a few long seconds before she moved to gather the pieces for the waistcoat, moving on to cut the lining instead. 

"Really? How uncharacteristic of you"  Satomi willed herself to keep a neutral expression, shrugging gently. 

"Is wanting a change of pace so obscure?" Marie pulled out a roll of fabric from under the table, placing it on it with a thud. 

"It certainly is for you"  Satomi bobbed her head to the side, pursing her lips a bit. She had no need to argue with her further. Just about finished with the garment in her hands. A few mintues weighed in silence. Marie pausing every so often to glance at her suspiscously, but she didn't say anything. 

Half an hour later Satomi sprung from her seat, shaking out the ruffles on the finished piece with a smile. 

"All done!" Marie smiled as well, looking up from her work and nodding in approval. 

"Wonderful, hang it together with the others. Then you're free to go" Satomi nodded, though a bit reluctantly. Picking up a hanger and treading the hot red, slim fitted, silk dress, onto it and heading for the clothing rack. 

"In that case I'll go see what quests are available at the guild" Marie glanced at her from her spot by the desk, pausing a bit. 

"Will you go together with someone this time as well?" Satomi fought, and failed to keep the smile from her lips, turning halfway to her guardian and shaking her head. 

"That was a one time deal. I work alone" Marie eyed her in a clearly unconvinced manner, cocking an eyebrow as she turned back to the desk. Picking up her scissor again to begin cutting the lining for the waistcoat. 

"Allright. I trust you'll come say goodbye before you leave?" Satomi nodded while heading for the front door. 

"Of course. What do you take me for?"  Marie scoffed behind her, shaking her head slightly. 

"Certainly not the unsociable outcast you used to be, that's for sure" Satomi tensed, freezing a bit in her movements. Then she forced a laugh, turning to her guardian. 

"What are you saying? I've always been sociable while on quests, that's why it's always took me so long" Marie rolled her eyes while pausing in her work. 

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