Chapter twenty seven.

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Satomi had spent the past two days in Marie's shop, happy to return to more slow paced work. Despite already being burnt out from the quest, her condition sadly didn't improve once arriving home. 

Her nightmares seemed to be haunting her worse than ever. As if her father's wrath was being forced onto her with the horrors in her sleep. As a result, Satomi felt more like a zombie than anything. 

The shapeshifter sat hunched over the bar in the guildhall as a stifled yawn forced its way out. Her eyes rested on the pages of her book with disinterest. She couldn't focus.

A brief smile flashed over her features as Mirajane brought her fifth cup of coffee since sitting down.

She glanced at Makraov while taking a grateful sip from her steaming beverage, watching him as he took a seat beside her.

"How unusual of you to stick around like this." Satomi raised an eyebrow at his somewhat awkward greeting. It seemed the revalation that Satomi was actually part god still made the elderly man a bit thrown off. A gentle sigh escaped her as she turned her stare back to her book.

"Maybe I'm feeling like taking a breather?" She mused in disinterest while turning the page of her book. Makraov hummed beside her.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's a welcome change. I'm glad to see you're finally starting to get along with your guild mates" Satomi didn't respond and simply pursed her lips. Makarov's eyes rested on her coffee for a moment as silence fell.

"You look tired" Satomi sighed again in tired impatience. Everyone seemed to be digging into her these days, asking questions she didn't feel like talking about.

"You're still having nightmares?" Satomi nodded quietly as the letters in her book seemed to blur in and out of focus as her stare grew hazy with exhaustion.

"...They've been getting worse" She eventually muttered while lifting her cup of coffee again. Makraov frowned beside her in concern.

"There must be some way to stop them from haunting you." Satomi's eyebrows knitted together in frustration. She'd already tried everything she could think of.

"There isn't" She mused tiredly. At this point it was better for her to not sleep at all. As things were now, she felt even more worn out after sleeping. Makarov grew quiet again and for a brief moment the guildhall laid in a muted hum from the people talking in the background.

It didn't take long though before Makarov left her side to stop a brawl from breaking out at the other end of the hall.

He didn't succeed.

Satomi's eyes sagged shut and her head nodded as she fought her tired body which kept demanding rest.

A chair came flying at her, but was reduced to splinters as it crashed against her barrier. The sensation of something hitting her defences startled her awake and she straightened in her seat with a jerk.

Her shock and surprise sent an involuntary pulse of magic through the guild, knocking numerous of her brawning guild mates off their feet with a crash. Furniture toppled over from the force as the building shook.

Satomi blinked as she desperately tried to wake from the hazy fog clouding her mind. The hall grew completely quiet from the interruption of their fight as she tried her best to ignore the feeling of eyes resting on her back as the last of the trembling eased.

A set of single footsteps approached her again. One which Satomi easily identified as Makarov's. The tiny man stopped beside her seat peering up at her with a concerned look on his face. A dark frown had settled on Satomi's face as she reluctantly opened her mouth.

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