Part 3

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I was out of the infirmary four days later with nothing but a bit of a bruise and slightly scarred hands. I couldn't forget how Harry had cared for me and how, by just touching me, he stopped one of my full blown anxiety attacks.

"So Hermione who are you going to go to the winter ball with?" Luna Lovegood asked as we walked down the castles cold corridors.

"I don't know to be honest Luna the Yule ball went so wrong last time that I might just not go" I confessed " Anyway no one will ask me.

"I have a feeling someone will" she said smiling knowingly.

"What who?"

"Bye Hermione I hope the Nargles don't steal your shoes" she waved as she floated into a near by class room.

Well that was strange I thought as I shifted my large stack of books in my hands.

Just then somebody smacked into me their shoulder slamming into my front. My books all tumbling to the ground.

"Watch it Granger" the guy shouted as his friends called me names.

"Yeah mudblood watch it"

"Dirty blooded bitch"

"Halfbreed scum"

"You can't talk to her like that she saved your lives she helped kill Voldemort" Harry shouted storming up beside me.

"Harry stop I've got this" I whispered

He nodded. I picked up my books looked them up and down, turned on my heels and strutted out my head held high.

"Hermione wait" Harry said when we turned the corner. I kept on walking not wanting to show him that I was hurting.

"Hermione?" His hand touched my shoulder gently pulling me around.

"Don't listen to them they're jerks"

"I know, I know but.."

"But nothing. Look at me" I kept my head down not wanting to make eye contact.

"Look at me" he said placing his fingers under my chin he lifted my head up to his level. Our faces millimetres away from each other.

I finally moved my gaze up to meet his ,electricity flowing through my veins. He brushed his fingers slowly upwards until they met my lips.

"Don't you ever listen to them your perfect" he breathed his breath hitting my face.

I leaned towards him until our noses touched.

"Oi Harry have you seen Hermione?" Ron asked as he rounded the corner "Bloody hell!"

We pulled away swiftly. My cheeks burning.

"We were just .... I was ..." Harry stuttered

"Harry was helping me pick up my books some idiot made me drop them" I lied

"Yeah , yeah they were right idiots we better go, you know before they come back" he said. I nodded.

"Right ok then it just that you looked like... never mind that will never happen" Ron mumbled.

"So Ron who are going to ask to the winter ball?" I asked

"Well actually..." he started " you can't say anything "

"We won't" Harry answered for me

" I was going to ask Luna today after potions class"

"Oh Ron that's lovely you two will be so good" I beamed.

He grinned blushing the same colour as his knitted Christmas jumper from Mrs Weasly.

"What about you mate?" Ron said to Harry

He also turned a rather dark shade of red " umm I don't know yet"

The sun was setting over the snowy castle grounds as we walked back to our dorm rooms. The three of us laughing merrily.
Ooh is that a spark of romance? You'll have to keep on reading ;)

Nev xxx

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